
dvp : Udemy Nuxt.js vue.js on Steroids

Primary LanguageVue

Nuxt Steroids

  • Allows Creation of Universal Vue Apps
  • Server-side Rendering
  • Builds up on Vue.js
  • Configuration via File & Folder Structure

create nuxt app

link : create-nuxt-app

$ npm install -g create-nuxt-app

# create 
$ npx create-nuxt-app <my-project>
$ yarn create nuxt-app <my-project>

$ cd my-nuxt-app
$ npm run dev

Built with Nuxt.js

  • Universal App
    • First View is rendered dynamically on the Server
    • After first load, Application turns into SPA
    • Greate for SEO
  • Single Page App
    • App starts after first load
    • App stays SPA
    • Like a normal Vue App but simplified Development
  • Static App
    • Pre-rendered Views are Loaded
    • After first load, Application turns into SPA
    • Greate for SEO

Nuxt.js Pages, Routing & Views

From Config To Folders & Files

real routing

    path: '/',
    component: WelcomeComponent
// /
// index.vue

    path: '/products',
    component: ProductsComponent
// /products
// /products/index.vue

    path: '/products/:id',
    component: ProductComponent

// /products/_id
// /products/index.vue

Handling Data & Vuex

  • Load and Manage Data With Ease

Resource & Link