Themer it's a Java web-application, that will try to determine the topic of a given text (the text should be in Russian). Themer will show the top 10 suggested topics with their probability.
The current version of this application is running on
How it works
The algorithm will analyze the frequency of words from a given text. Then it will fetch these words from the dictionary. The dictionary is built using Data Mining methods based on data from Yandex.Catalog web-service.
Technologies used
Technology stack is pretty minimal, as lightweight as possible. It's almost entirely bare Java:
- Java
- Jetty
- PostgreSQL
- Maven
Running the application
The application is built with Maven.
Let Maven do the work:
mvn clean install
Then run it:
java -cp target/classes:target/dependency/*
The project is ready to deploy on Heroku via git. Just create heroku app, set up git remote and then push this repo.