AtoM Dominion BS5 Theme Plugin Skeleton

Initial skeleton for an AtoM theme plugin, extending arDominionB5Plugin without modifications.

Requires an AtoM version of 2.7, or up, to include such theme.

Clone repository to AtoM's plugin folder

Clone repository within AtoM's plugin folder and delete git related files.

git clone --depth=1 plugins/arThemeB5Plugin

rm -rf plugins/arThemeB5Plugin/.git plugins/arB5ThemePlugin/

Modify the plugin:

IMPORTANT: config filename and config class name must be the same as the plugin folder name

ex. for plugins/arThemeB5Plugin, a config file named arThemeB5PluginConfiguration.class.php is required with a class named arThemeB5PluginConfiguration

Extend/customize the plugin:

  • Add styling changes directly to, or link stylesheets in, main SCSS file.
  • Link scripts to main JS file.
  • Copy any actions and templates files required to the new plugins/arThemeB5Plugin directory to overwrite files.
    • copy files from plugins/arDominionB5Plugin, if available, and from apps/qubit only when required files are not available in plugins/arDominionB5Plugin [due to precedence]

    • place copied files into plugins/arThemeB5Plugin/modules with the same path


      /apps/qubit/templates/_footer.php => plugins/arThemeB5Plugin/templates/_footer.php

      /plugins/arDominionB5Plugin/modules/informationobject/templates/_editActions.php => plugins/arThemeB5Plugin/modules/informationobject/templates/_editActions.php

Build the BS5 theme assets:

npm install
npm run build

php symfony cc       # clear cache [OPTIONAL]