
Ginko-style text editing

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Obsidian Tree Edit

The plugin allows you to read the incoming markdown file by headers and their contents and display the entire header hierarchy in a tree structure from left to right. You can create, edit and delete headings.


Roadmap: https://github.com/users/artem-barmin/projects/1


How to install

How to use

You can open the Tree Edit preview for the current note with a command.


Click a card in the Edit Tree preview to change its content or add a new card.

Plugin options

Tree Edit has a horizontal or vertical preview window setting:



  • All headings and their contents are displayed as cards in a tree structure from left to right
  • File without headings is displayed as as a single active card
  • You can change the card's content (except the heading type) or cancel the changes made using the Esc key
  • You can add a new card above or below the current one (it will be the same level as the current one) and add a card to the right (it will be one level lower than the current one)
  • You can delete the whole chain of cards

Info for developer

  1. Clone this repository to the obsidian folder along the path ./obsidian/plugins/. Note: .obsidian - hidden folder
  2. Go to obsidian settings => options => community plugins. Turn off safe mode and add the plugin folder to the installed plugins section and activate it.
  3. npm i or yarn t o install dependencies
  4. npm run dev to run in development mode or npm run build to start compilation in watch mode


  • Saving insi de a card breaks content (YAML splash, wiki links, tasks)
  • Destroys content that is not under a heading
  • Incorrect animation of active columns when scrolling up/down

Road map

  • Allow character # at the beginning of a line in editing mode if it is inside a block of code with back quotes
  • Configure the correct display of multiline text
  • Add the correct display of cards if the file starts with a header of type 2 and higher
  • Auto-correction of code blocks inside editing mode
  • Add animation when adding/removing/clicking one/multiple columns at the same time
  • Add add/merge/remove macros and their description to a separate block
  • Save cards with Ctrl+Enter, not Shift+Enter
