
Examples from Data Structures & Algorithms in Java ported over to Dart

Primary LanguageDartMIT LicenseMIT

Data Structures and Algorithms in Dart

Build Status

This is a repository inspired by Data Structures & Algorithms in Java by Robert Lafore.

There you can find all code-example rewritten on Dart and all solved tasks

Table of Contents

01. Arrays.

  • low_array - very simple example with arrays.
  • high_array - rewritten low_array.dart using more OOP way. Describes LinerSearch in Arrays.
  • ordered_array - Describes BinarySearch in sorted Arrays.
  • class_data - Using Arrays with Object.

02. Simple Sorting.

  • bubble_sort - Bubble Sort Example
  • select_sort
  • insert_sort
  • object_sort - Object sort example using insert sort and Lexicographical Comparisons

03. Stacks and Queues.

  • stack
    • stack - simple stack with array of integer
    • reverse - reversing a word eq: artem -> metra
    • brackets - Delimiter Matching - a program that checks the delimiters in a line of text typed by the user eq: a{b(c]d}e -> Error ] at 5
  • queue - simple queue.
  • priority_queue
  • infix - Convert Infix to Postfix eq A+B*C -> ABC*+
  • postfix - Evaluate Postfix Expressions eq 57+ -> Evaluates to 12

04. Linked Lists.

  • linked_list
    • simple_linked_list - simple linked list implemintation with deleteFirst and insertFirst methods
    • linked_list - adding delete and find methods.
  • first_last_list - linked list with link to first and last object
  • link_stack - Stack implementation using linked list
  • link_queue - Queue implementation using first_last_list
  • sorted_list - sorted linked list
  • list_insertion_sort - insertion sort array using linked list
  • double_linked_list - linked list where each element contain next and previous link
  • list_iterator - implementation linked list with iterator

05. Recursion.

  • triangle - simple example of recursion - calculate triangle number. E.g Triangle number 3 -> 6 (1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21...)
  • anagram - simple program, which can do anagrams. E.g Input: cat Output:
    1  c a t
    2  c t a
    3  a t c
    4  a c t
    5  t c a
    6  t a c
  • binary_search - binary search implemented with recursion (binary search see 01_array/ordered_array)
  • towers - Tower of Hanoi algorithms using recursion
  • merge - very simple implementation merge 2 pre-sorted arrays.
  • merge_sort - Merge sorting array
  • stack_triangle - calculate triangle number with recursion and stack
  • stack_triangle2 - calculate triangle number using stack instead of recension
  • power - X power Y using optimizing recursion method

06. Sorting.

  • shell_sorting - sorting used Shell's Method
  • partion
  • quick_sort1 - Quick sort based on last element of array
  • quick_sort2 - QuickSort based on median

07. Binary Tree.

  • binary-tree - Binary Search tree
              25                              75
      12              37              --              87
  --      --      30      43      --      --      --      93
--  --  --  --  --  33  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  97

08. Red-Black Tree.

Unfortunately there no code.

09. Tree 2 3 4.

  • tree_2_3_4 - Tree 2 3 4
Enter first letter of show, insert, find: s
Level = 0 child = 0 /50
Level = 1 child = 0 /30/40
Level = 1 child = 1 /60/70

10. Hash.

  • hash - simple hash
Enter size of hash table: 10
Enter initial number of items: 8
Enter first leter of show, insert, delete, find: 
HashTable: 120 151 150 193 173 118 ** ** 148 99 
Enter first leter of show, insert, delete, find: 
Enter key value to insert: 100
Enter first leter of show, insert, delete, find: 
HashTable: 120 151 150 193 173 118 100 ** 148 99 
Enter first leter of show, insert, delete, find: 
  • hash_double - Double Hash. It use two hashFunction:
    • hashFunc - for find first index;
    • secondHashFunc - for find the step (offset);
Enter size of hash table: 10
Enter initial number of items: 4
Enter first leter of show, insert, delete, find: 
HashTable: ** 121 ** ** ** ** 196 137 138 ** 
Enter first leter of show, insert, delete, find: 
Enter key value to insert: 100
Enter first leter of show, insert, delete, find: 
HashTable: 100 121 ** ** ** ** 196 137 138 ** 
  • hash_chain - Chain method which use SortedLinkedList
Enter size of hash table: 5
Enter initial number of items: 5
Enter first leter of show, insert, delete, find
0. List (first -> last):
1. List (first -> last): 56 86
2. List (first -> last): 12
3. List (first -> last): 13 48
4. List (first -> last):
Enter first leter of show, insert, delete, find

11. Heap.

  • heap - heap implementation
Enter first letter of show, insert, remove, change:
Heap Array: 100 90 80 30 60 50 70 20 10 40
                90                              80
        30              60              50              70
    20      10      40
  • heap_sort - heap sorting - O(N*logN)
Enter number of items: 10
Random Array: 58 42 87 29 14 53 39 79 9 64
Heap: 87 79 58 42 64 53 39 29 9 14
                79                              58
        42              64              53              39
    29      9      14
Sorted: 9 14 29 39 42 53 58 64 79 87

12 Graph.


  • dfs - Depth-first search
Visits: ABCDE
  • bfs - Breadth-first search
Visits: ABDCE
  • mst - Minimum spanning tree

graph-not-optimized graph-mst

Minimum spanning tree: AB BC CD DE 
  • topo - Topology sorting
Topologically sorted order: BAEDGCFH

13. Weighted Graph.

  • mstw- Minimum Spanning Tree with Weighted Graphs

weighted-graph-mstw-input weighted-graph-mstw-output

Minimum spanning tree: AD AB BE EC CF 


Shortest Path: 
A = inf(A) B = 50(A) C = 100(D) D = 80(A) E = 140(C) 

How to Run Code?

  • Be sure you have installed dart
  • Open folder with project
  • Run into you terminal dart path/to/file.dart e.q dart chap_02/low_array.dart

What IDE have support dart language?

I prefer use JetBrains

But you can use VsCode + DartCode Plugin

How to test tasks?

All tasks have a unit test, which located in 0N_name/tasks/test.

So you need:

  • copy and past that test to your project
  • change path to you solution
  • run pub run test path/to_test.dart


If you want to contribute or you find a issue/mistake feel free to create an issue and pull-request


  • Add tests for implementations
  • Add task for each data structure
  • Add test for each task