Analytics API project description

Project Overview

Implement an Web service which provides an HTTP API for acessing some analytic metrics.


Import provided data into database and implement an web service which will calculate and send back some analytical metrics based on input arguments via some defined API.

Technical Specifications

Implementation should be based on Layered Architecture. Application should have Presentation, Business and Data Access Layers.

1. Database

Any relation database.

2. Provided Data format


3. Framework stack

Spring framework, Struts2

4. Api Protocol

4.1 End Points

API should have following end-points

  1. DAU (Daily active users)
  2. Retention
4.2 API format

API should be implemented according to REST rules.

4.2.1 DAU

API accepts list of dates in dd/mm/yyyy format and returns DAUs for that days.

4.2.2 Retention

API accepts two arguments. One is retention type. Accepted values are : "Day1", "Day7", "Day40". The second one is date in dd/mm/yyyy format. Retention should be calculated starting from that day. Returns the retention for that day.