
kernel queue

Primary LanguageC

Kernel Queue test module


  • Compile sources: make

  • Load kernel module: insmod ./kqueue.ko

    you can use module arguments:

    1. cache_storage: file to cache queue messages; default value: /tmp/kqueue-cache
    2. cache_async: use async cache algorithm; default value: 0

    When the module loaded, you can see at syslog: kqueue: initialized properly (async: off)

    ... and look into /dev directory: ls -la /dev/kqueue*

  • Now, start pop daemon with root privilegies: ./kqueue-popd

    to show available options: ./kqueue-popd --help

  • Finally, push something into queue. Run with root: ls *.c | ./kqueue-push

  • Just check content of files: popmsg-*

  • P.S. You can work with queue without userspace programs. Stop pop daemon & type something like this:

    1. echo "first message"| sudo tee /dev/kqueue-push
    2. echo "second message"| sudo tee /dev/kqueue-push
    3. sudo cat /dev/kqueue-pop
    4. sudo cat /dev/kqueue-pop