WorldSkills Monitoring Server

Intended for use in "warehouse monitoring" module in "Areal Robotics" WorldSkills competition to provide a way for real-time data broadcasting from drone to any display to allow graphic, objective, and verifiable judgment.

image image

Demonstation video

Launch (for organisation team)

Launch on computer (or server) with satic IP or IP avialible from all drones in local network Port 8090 should be avialible to the network

  1. Download (or clone) this repository
git clone
  1. Launch via docker-compose:
cd ws_server
docker-compose up -d --build
  1. Provide competitors with instructions below and a link (hostname and port) to the computer this server is running on

  2. Open link in your browser to see montiring webpage. All data from drones will be broadcasted to all open webpages.

Usage (for competitors)

Detailed user instruction avialible at: