
scheduler plugin for Redmine. Needs for scheduler daily duty among staff.

Primary LanguageRuby


This plugin is used to set shedule of duty days. “Duty day” is an saturday or other week day when worker should solve issues. You cam choose wich days of a week wil be duty days. Common user without :admin_change_duty permission can takedecline duty day. After it started, Duty worker fill in report’s fields. After that manager can view duties report. Admin (with :admin_change_duty permission) make set duty workers himself.

Periods added. Warning: period are seted in weeks.

Installation tips run ‘bundle install’ before using. (It fix’s complex report button)

Important Before using you need to add permissions to a role (to add new duty days, change them etc)

Mail notifications available! Now you may configure email notifications to duty worker before his duty day. It’s a rake task, so you should add it to chrome.

1 0 * * * cd /opt/redmine && rake projects={comma separated list of projects wich avoid to notify, let it empty if you want to notify users of all projects} users={comma separated list of user’s ids wich avoid to notify} days={days before duty when start to notify} redmine:notify_users RAILS_ENV=production

Now schedule managers will be notified too if there no duty person at the current week.

If it be needed, I’ll make the plugin more flexible.