
Demostates HTTP-download XLS File as byte[] using Spring Integration

Primary LanguageGroovy

Sample demonstrates Web Application with one functionality:
Excel file downloading as byte[] and 'Content-Type' HTTP Response header with value 'application/vnd.ms-excel'.
Server logic built on Spring Integration:
1. File is read from Classpath via org.springframework.core.io.ClassPathResource
2. Converted into byte[] via org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils
3. byte[] is placed as Message payload via <transformer> inside the <chain>
4. 'Content-Type' is added into MessageHeaders via <header-enricher>
5. HttpRequest is processed by <http:inbound-gateway>

Build System is Gradle and applies 'jetty' plugin
To test this sample it is enough to run Gradle task 'jettyRunWar'.
Jetty Servlet-Container will be started on default port 8080.
Application context-root is the same a project name.

Important: only Microsoft IE can open Excel sheet immediately in the Browser window