
small script to parse the swagger API and produce java file

Primary LanguagePython


At one company I had a lot of API endpoints and Swagger json. I had a java test framework which used those endpoints. So I had to have:

  • property file
products.get = /products
estimates.price.get = /estimates/price
estimates.time.get = /estimates/time
me.get = /me
history.get = /history
  • java parser for this property file
 * Product Types
public static String productsGet = cfgProvider.getProperty("products.get", String.class);

So I created a small script to parse the swagger API and produce java file content and property file content

I know that it's just a converter between json and property. But as I found people sometimes prefer to write such a kind of files by hand.


Seriously? Ok, so write code/test and push MR.