
Multi-threading K-Means in two different approaches to perform a runtime performance analysis between the single-threaded algorithm and my multi-threaded approaches.

Primary LanguageC++

Multi-threaded K-Means

Taking Naive K-Means and applying three methods of multithreading, with the intention to compare runtime between each method for CS 355.

  1. Single-threaded
  2. Multi-threaded Centroid Update (MTCU)
  3. Multi-threaded Workers Parallelization (MTWP)

Single-threaded K-Means

  1. Assign samples to a centroid
  2. Update the centroids coordinates to center of samples assigned.

Multi-threaded Centroid Update

This version multithreads the second step of K-Means.

  1. Assign samples to a centroid.
  2. Update centroid coordinates on threads.
  3. A barrier, to keep threads in sync.


Note: This method suffers from parent thread bottlenecking causing runtime performance to not be optimal.

Multi-threaded Workers Parallelization

This version implements paralellism by divvying both steps in algorithm to workers.

  1. Delegates slices of the samples array to T worker threads, to assign to centroids.
  2. A barrier, to keep threads in sync.
  3. Delegates slices of centroids array to T worker threads, to update coordinates.
  4. A barrier, to keep threads in sync.



Make with provided makefile.

Five/Six Arguments:

  1. An integer specifying the type of threading:
    • 0 - Single
    • 1 - Parallel Centroid Update (MTCU)
    • 2 - Concurrent-Means (MTWP)
  • If and only if type == 2, supply number of threads, T, to use
  1. Number of Clusters, K
  2. Number of Samples, N
  3. Minimum of Random Values When Generating Samples On Fixed Seed
  4. Maximum of Random Values When Generating Samples On Fixed Seed

Example Usage using a Bash prompt:

Single threaded, 2 Clusters, 500 Samples, [-1000, 1000]

./multikmeans.exe 0 2 500 -1000 1000

MTCU, 4 Clusters, 500 Samples, [-1000, 1000]

./multikmeans.exe 1 4 500 -1000 1000

MTWP, 6 Threads, 6 Clusters, 500 Samples, [-1000, 1000]

./multikmeans.exe 2 6 6 500 -1000 1000

Example Data Collection Command Using Bash:

for j in {1000..20000..1000};
	do for i in {1..10};
		do time ./multikmeans.exe 2 10 10 ${j} -1000 1000; 
		echo ${j};