
Syntaxer is a gem for checking syntax of ruby, js, haml, sass code in your rails or git repo

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


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Syntaxer is a gem that provides you with ability to check syntax of all files in your project at once. It may be used in standalone mode and with git repository only for checking changed and added files. It is useful for rails team because you need to store only file with rules and git hook will be generated for you.


To install syntaxer run

  [sudo] gem install syntaxer

Usage with rails

  1. Add to Gemfile

    gem "syntaxer", ">=0.5.0"
  1. run the following command in terminal

    bundle install
  1. run the following command in terminal

  rake syntaxer:install

or run in working dir

  syntaxer --install 

This command will run wizard which help you to decide which languages and files should be processed using syntaxer.

Finally it will create config/syntaxer.rb file with common rails options, you may edit it as you wish, and .git/hooks/pre-commit script, which will run syntax checking before every commit.

Standalone usage (w/o Rails)

Example of usage:

Run syntax checking in current directory recursively


Run syntax checking in another directory recursively. Make sure to add '/' at the end.

  syntaxer -p ./developement/

Install hook to git repository in current directory

  syntaxer -g -r git

If you want to use custom config in pair with git

  syntaxer -g -r git -c [CONFIG_FILE]

Run syntaxer with custom config file

  syntaxer -c config.rb

Example of syntaxer.rb file:

  syntaxer do
    languages :ruby, :haml, :sass do         # type of files to be watched
      folders 'app/**/*', 'lib/**/*'               # folders to be checked

You can specify multiple rules, for example you want to check only ruby files in app/controllers/* and only haml in app/views/*, you can write the next in your "initializers/syntaxer.rb" file:

  syntaxer do
    languages :ruby do
      folders 'app/controllers/*'
    lang :haml do  # lang is an alias for languages
      f 'app/views/*' #f is an alias for folders    
    #all supported types at app/**
    languages :all do
      folders 'app/**'
    ignore_folders 'app/models/**' # this folders will be deleted from all languages

Languages available for now are: ruby, erb, haml, sass. You can extend this by your own, how to do that will be described below.

Options for usage
  -i, --install         run install wizzard, preferred method of installation
  -c, --config          specify config file
  -p, --path            path for syntax check. If this option is not specify it checks files from current directory
  -r, --repo            indicate type of repository. Available git and svn at this time.
  -g, --generate        generates pre-commit hook and put it in .git/hooks folder. It checks syntax of languages what are indicated in options file before every commit
  -q, --quite           disable information messages. Is needed when you only want to know the result: 1 or 0
  -l, --loud            informate about every checked file
  -W, --warnings        show warning messages
  -h, --help            show help and options describe above.

Syntaxer for javascript files

You may use syntaxer to check javascript files using jslint (http://github.com/psionides/jslint_on_rails)

Java and Rhino should be installed, you can read about it at jslint gem page.

Contributing to syntaxer

  • Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn't been implemented or the bug hasn't been fixed yet
  • Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn't requested it and/or contributed it
  • Fork the project
  • Start a feature/bugfix branch
  • Commit and push until you are happy with your contribution
  • Make sure to add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally.
  • Please try not to mess with the Rakefile, version, or history. If you want to have your own version, or is otherwise necessary, that is fine, but please isolate to its own commit so I can cherry-pick around it.


  • Have to fix the problem with only created repository and initial commit with GIT repository
  • Add description on how to add new languages
  • Add screencast
  • Fix quite mode for jslint
  • Add css support
  • Add coffeescript support
  • Add php and java support

Known problems

  • Git gem doesn't work properly on the very first commit.


Artyom Kramarenko (artemk) Svitla Systems Inc (www.svitla.com)


Artem Melnikov (ignar) Svitla Systems Inc (www.svitla.com)


See LICENSE.txt for further details.