
AKExpandView is lightweight Swift plugin for collapsing and expanding views, with adding "Read more..." and "Read less..." action button.


  • Animation support
  • Supported all UIKit views (UILabel, UIImageView, etc.)
  • Lightweight
  • Customizable


@IBOutlet weak var expandView: AKExpandView!

override func viewDidLoad() {

    var label = UILabel()
    label.numberOfLines = 0
	label.text = "Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry"


  • iOS 8.0+
  • Xcode 7.3+


  1. Clone or download demo project.
  2. Add AKExpandView folder to your project.

Set up

Content heights

var collapsedHeight: CGFloat!

Content view height when action button will be showed (collapsed state).
The initial value of this property equals to height when expand view was initialized.

var expandedHeight: CGFloat!

Content view heigth after expand. Useful for UIImageView.
The initial value of this property is nil.


var gradientEnabled: Bool

Show or hide gradient view.
The initial value of this property is true.

var gradientColor: UIColor! { get set }

Color for gradient view.
The initial value of this property is UIColor.whiteColor(). Starts from alpha 0 ends on alpha 1.

var gradientHeightRatio: CGFloat! { get set }

Aspect ratio of expand view (collapsed state) and gradient view heights.
The initial value of this property is 0.8.


var moreTitle: String! { get set }

Title for action button when expand view is collapsed.
The initial value of this property is read more....

var lessTitle: String! { get set }

Title for action button when expand view is expanded.
The initial value of this property is read less...

Layout and spaces

var actionBtnHeight: CGFloat { get set }

Height for action button.
The initial value of this property is 50 px.

var spaceHeight: CGFloat { get set }

Space between action button and content view.
The initial value of this property is 16 px.


var animationEnabled: Bool

A Boolean value that determines whether animation is enabled.
The initial value of this property is false.

var animationOptions: AKActivityWebViewAnimationOptions

Animation options.


  • duration : The total duration of the animations, measured in seconds. If you specify a negative value or 0, the changes are made without animating them.
  • option : A mask of options indicating how you want to perform the animations. For a list of valid constants, see UIViewAnimationOptions.


var isExpanded: Bool {get}

A Boolean value indicating whether the expand view is expanded. (read-only).
The initial value of this property is false. Resets after adding new subview.


var expandView: UIView {get}

The view for processing. (read-only).

Accessing the Delegate

weak var delegate: AKExpandViewDelegate?

The delegate object to receive update events.


optional func expandView(expandView: AKExpandView, willExpandView view: UIView)

Tells the delegate when view will be expanded.


  • expandView : The main object.
  • view : Target view to expand.
optional func expandView(expandView: AKExpandView, didExpandView expandedView: UIView)

Tells the delegate when view was expanded.


  • expandView : The main object.
  • expandedView : Expanded view.
optional func expandView(expandView: AKExpandView, willCollapseView view: UIView)

Tells the delegate when view will be collapsed.


  • expandView : The main object.
  • view : Target view to collapse.
optional func expandView(expandView: AKExpandView, didCollapseView collapsedView: UIView)

Tells the delegate when view was collapsed.


  • expandView : The main object.
  • collapsedView : Collapsed view.

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Artem Krachulov: www.artemkrachulov.com Mail: artem.krachulov@gmail.com


Released under the MIT license