
Consul KV back up script in Go

Primary LanguageGo

Consul Backup and Restore tool.

This will use consul-api (Go library) to recursively backup and restore all your key/value pairs.

You need to set up your Go environment and go get github.com/hashicorp/consul/api and go get github.com/docopt/docopt-go.

A go build will generate executable named consul-backup.

  consul-backup [-i IP:PORT] [-t TOKEN] [--aclbackup] [--aclbackupfile ACLBACKUPFILE] [--restore] <filename>
  consul-backup -h | --help
  consul-backup --version

  -h --help                          Show this screen.
  --version                          Show version.
  -i, --address=IP:PORT              The HTTP endpoint of Consul [default:].
  -t, --token=TOKEN                  An ACL Token with proper permissions in Consul [default: ].
  -a, --aclbackup                    Backup ACLs, does nothing in restore mode. ACL restore not available at this time.
  -b, --aclbackupfile=ACLBACKUPFILE  ACL Backup Filename [default: acl.bkp].
  -r, --restore                      Activate restore mode