
A launch point for your personal nvim configuration

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT

Kickstart Neovim Configuration

This repository contains my personal Neovim configuration. This configuration leverages the power of various Neovim plugins managed with lazy.nvim. It's based on the kickstart repo by TJ DeVries.


  • Leader Key: <space> set as the leader key for command shortcuts.
  • Nerd Font Integration: Enhanced UI with Nerd Fonts for better iconography in plugins.
  • Enhanced UI: Various UI improvements including mouse support, clipboard integration, and aesthetic enhancements.
  • Smart Case Searching: Intelligent case-insensitive searching that switches to case-sensitive if the search pattern includes uppercase letters.
  • Split Management: Improved split navigation and management.
  • Code Navigation: Enhanced code navigation using Treesitter and LSP.
  • Development Utilities: Integrated terminal, Git signs, and document/comment highlighting.


File and Project Management

  • Neo-tree.nvim: File explorer with support for Nerd Fonts and various custom integrations.
  • Telescope.nvim: Extensible fuzzy finder for searching files, symbols, commands, and more.

Coding and Syntax

  • Treesitter: Syntax highlighting and language-specific features powered by tree-sitter grammars.
  • Toggleterm.nvim: Seamless integration of terminal windows within the Neovim editor.

User Interface

  • Bufferline.nvim: Enhanced buffer line that allows easy navigation between multiple files.
  • Colortheme: Manage and apply color themes to the Neovim editor.

Development Utilities

  • Auto-session.lua: Manages sessions automatically, saving and restoring your editor state.
  • Treesitter-context.lua: Displays contextual information about the code block currently visible.

Diagnostics and Git

  • Gitsigns.nvim: Adds git related info in the gutter (e.g., added, modified lines) and other handy git utilities.

Key Mapping and Shortcuts

  • Which-key.nvim: Displays available keybindings in a popup. Configured to trigger with the leader key or automatically during typing.


  1. Ensure you have Neovim installed.

  2. Clone this repository into your Neovim configuration directory:

    git clone https://github.com/your-username/your-repository ~/.config/nvim