
Get information about the current system, Python, and Python packages

Primary LanguagePython

Python and System Info

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Get information about the current system, Python, and Python packages.


  1. Use pip to install directly from GitHub:

    pip install git+https://github.com/artemmavrin/py_info.git
  2. Alternatively, clone the repo and install manually:

    git clone https://github.com/artemmavrin/py_info.git
    cd py_info
    make install

Either method will install install the py_info Python package in your current environment and create a script called py_info on your system path.


Using the py_info script

From a terminal, run the py_info script:

$ py_info

         Platform: Linux-4.9.184-linuxkit-x86_64-with-debian-10.2
         Hostname: 52a9020e146b
     Machine Type: x86_64
        Processor: ???
       Byte Order: little-endian
Working Directory: /home/py_info
             Path: /usr/local/bin

          Version: 3.7.6 (default, Feb  2 2020, 09:00:14) 
                   [GCC 8.3.0]
       Executable: /usr/local/bin/python
   Implementation: CPython
      Python Path: /usr/local/lib/python37.zip

       matplotlib: 3.1.3
            numpy: 1.18.1
           pandas: 1.0.1
            scipy: 1.4.1
          sklearn: 0.22.1
       tensorflow: 2.1.0

Run with the -h or --help flag to view usage instructions:

$ py_info --help
usage: py_info [-h] [package [package ...]]

Get information about Python and the system.

positional arguments:
  package     One or more Python packages. (default: ['matplotlib', 'numpy', 'pandas', 'scipy', 'sklearn', 'tensorflow'])

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

Specify which packages you care about by listing them as command line arguments:

$ py_info numpy tensorflow

            numpy: 1.18.1
       tensorflow: None

Running the py_info package

From a terminal, run python -m py_info:

$ python -m py_info


You may also specify command line package names here.

Using py_info inside a Python interpreter or script

The module py_info can be imported and called, e.g., from the Python interpreter:

>>> import py_info
>>> py_info()

>>> py_info('sklearn', 'scipy')  # Specify packages as positional arguments

          sklearn: 0.22.1
            scipy: 1.4.1
>>> py_info(['sklearn', 'scipy'])  # Specify a list of packages

          sklearn: 0.22.1
            scipy: 1.4.1

Docker Image

The output shown above was generated in a Docker container based on the Dockerfile in this repo. To reproduce it, ensure that Docker is installed, and run

make image
make run