Breaking the API bad

How to maintain a contract between your microservices. There is a few approaches to do so:

  • write and share client library for your API
  • contract tests
  • specification tighten to code
    • code-first
    • spec-first

In this repo we have prepared examples of each approach.

Client Library

Explore the code of 3 modules:

  • Datamodel - common data types for server and client
  • Server - server application
  • Client - client library for distribution between your clients

Contract testing with Pact

Find more about best practices:


./gradlew :contract-testing:pact:jesse-pinkman-pact-consumer:contractTest

./gradlew :contract-testing:pact:jesse-pinkman-pact-consumer:pactPublish -Ppactbroker.auth.token=$SAUL_GOODMAN_BROKER_TOKEN -Ppact.publish.tags=main -Ppact.publish.consumerVersion=jesse-season1


./gradlew contractTest :contract-testing:pact:heisenberg-pact-service:contractTest \
  -Ppactbroker.auth.token=$SAUL_GOODMAN_BROKER_TOKEN \
  -Ppactbroker.consumerversionselectors.tags=main \
  -Ppact.verifier.publishResults=true \
  -Ppact.provider.tag=main \
  -Ppact.provider.version=heisenberg-season1 -i -s


pact-broker can-i-deploy --pacticipant=jesse-pinkman --version=jesse-season1 --to=prod --broker-base-url= -k=$SAUL_GOODMAN_BROKER_TOKEN

Contract testing with Spring Cloud Contract

./gradlew :contract-testing:spring-cloud-contract:heisenberg-scc-provider:publishToMavenLocal

Expect stubs (contract and wiremock mappings) jar in ~/.m2/repository/io/github/artemptushkin/breakingbad/heisenberg-scc-provider/0.0.1



Start application with:

./gradlew :openapi:code-first:bootRun

Open generated swagger-ui in browser by this link.

Download generated OpenAPI specification with the link. Also, OpenAPI specification is generating in a build-time while tests are running. You can find openapi.yaml file in a build dir after a test run.