
Build: jdk v.11

Run: jre v.11

How to build

./mvnw -pl orders-core clean install && mvn -pl orders-api clean package && mvn -pl status-api clean package

How to run

orders-api: java -jar orders-api/target/orders-api-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar status-api: java -jar status-api/target/status-api-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

Call example / health verification

orders-api: curl --request GET --url http://localhost:8080/order/2
status-api: curl --request GET --url http://localhost:9090/status/order/1

For REST API calls please see orders-api DSL contracts and status-api


  • Orders-api starts with embedded MongoDB on demonstration purpose. Please use mongodb spring profile to use real database
  • Mocks are loading by the ApplicationStartedListener


  1. Extract common interface for classes with ru.example.orders.repository.domain.Status to prevent logic duplication at ru.example.orders.controller.convertion.OrderStatusConverter : statusResolver.resolveStatus callas

  2. Reconsider database structure and status-api functionality. Currently status-api is a part of Item and that's why has only a few sense to exist