

How to build

This project uses CMake and vcpkg for a reasonable build with reasonable dependency management:

  1. CMakeLists.txt contains a project definition and vcpkg integration bits.
  2. vcpkg.json is a manifest file that defines a list of project dependencies.
  3. vcpkg itself is checked-out as a submodule, so don't forget to run:
    1. git submodule update --init.
    2. vcpkg/
  • How to set up the build: cmake -S . -B <build_dir> -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=<Debug|Release> [-G Ninja]
  • How to build the binary: cmake --build <build_dir>
  • How to run the built binary: run <build_dir>/<binary_path>

The top-level Makefile defines a number of phony targets that act as shortcuts for specific cmake invocations:

  • bootstrap sets up vcpkg
  • configure/reconfigure prepare cmake build
  • build to compile the code
  • run* to run various executables
  • clean