
[abandoned] Tasks management system (Lua/Luv/MySQL)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Tasker ver. 1b.0 (beta)

Tasker is tasks management web-service. Tasker is designed for not big
teams (up to 20-30 people).

* Almost total AJAX interface.
* Log of changes.
* Powerful filters.
* Email notifications.
* Reports.

How to install
1. Create /config.lua with configuration variables, example:
-- where to store POST temporary files
tmpDir = "/var/tmp"
-- where to store sessions' files
sessionsDir = "/var/www/sessions"
-- DB connection string
dsn = "mysql://tasker:passTasker@localhost/tasker"
-- unique salt for passwords (keep it secret)
secretSalt = "asd*#35&5sfds#!a*&@fknd^f8572@2rg6#2,ei||32fbDHWQ&*$^"
-- [optional, default is localhost] mail server host
mailServer = "mail.gmail.com"
-- email notifier "From" field
mailFrom = "tasker.notifier@example.com"
-- administrator's info
administrator = {login = "temiy"; name = "Shein Artyom Alexandrovich"; password = "123456"}
2. Give rights on write to tmpDir & sessionsDir.
3. Uncomment and edit the reinstall section in app/urls.lua (change
administrator's name & password at least).
4. Reinstall the system -- go to http://<tasker base url>/reinstall.
5. Comment the reinstall section back & remove your administrator's
account data from config.lua.