Portable class library to work with VK.com api. Used in Meridian, Colibri and some other projects. Currently doesn't cover the whole api.
var vk = new Vkontakte("YOUR_APP_ID", "YOUR_APP_SECRET");
To invoke vk methods, you need to perform authentication at first. To authenticate you should show a WebView (or similar) component to user and handle redirect to https://oauth.vk.com/blank.html. More info is here: http://vk.com/dev/auth_mobile. VkLib provides 2 helper methods for this:
//Returns auth url for opening in WebView
//Extracts accessToken (or error) from url
var oauthResult = vk.OAuth.ProcessAuth(url);
After performing authentication you must set access token to vk object
vk.AccessToken = oauthResult.AccessToken;
You can save this token in local file and reuse later. Note that token can expire (check the HasExpired property) and you will need to get a new one in this case by performing authentication again.
Calling methods is similar to vk api. Here are some samples:
//Getting info with photo and city for user with id 1
var user = await vk.Users.Get(1,"photo_50,city");
//Getting audios for user with id
var audios = await vk.Audios.Get(1);
Here you can find a sample app that shows how to perform OAuth and search users with VkLib.