mjpg-streamer Raspberry Pi setup

This guide covers installation and setup of mjpg-streamer daemon for Raspberry Pi


This setup instruction relies on legacy Raspberry Pi camera stack. To enable legacy camera stack, follow the official Raspberry pi camera documentation


These installation steps follow the contents of included mjpg-streamer-install.sh script.

  1. Update the system

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y
  2. Install required dependencies

    sudo apt-get install git cmake libjpeg-dev rubygems -y
    sudo gem install fpm
  3. Clone the mjpg-streamer repository and change directory

    git clone https://github.com/jacksonliam/mjpg-streamer.git
    cd mjpg-streamer/mjpg-streamer-experimental
  4. Patch the setup files to configure mjpg-streamer to use Raspberry Pi camera

    sed -i 's/\/opt\/vc\/include/\/usr\/include/g' plugins/input_raspicam/CMakeLists.txt
    sed -i '/ExecStart/c\ExecStart=/usr/bin/mjpg_streamer -i "input_raspicam.so -x 400 -y 300 -fps 30" -o "output_http.so -w /usr/share/mjpg_streamer/www -p 8000"' mjpg_streamer@.service
    sed -i '/install -D mjpg_streamer@.service/c\install -D mjpg_streamer@.service _pkg/etc/systemd/system/mjpg_streamer.service' makedeb.sh
  5. build the mjpg-streamer project

  6. create debian package

  7. install debian package

    sudo dpkg -i mjpg-streamer_*.deb
  8. enable & start daemon

    sudo systemctl enable mjpg_streamer
    sudo systemctl start mjpg_streamer


Once the installation is successfully completed, you can access camera stream using your browser and navigating to URL http://%RASPBERRY-PI-HOST%:8000/?action=stream


By default, mjpg-streamer daemon is configured to produce camera feed with resolution of 400x300. If you wish to change the output resolution or any other settings, you can do it via updating the etc/systemd/system/mjpg_streamer.service file and changing the line starting with ExecStart (see Documentation for parameter reference):

ExecStart=/usr/bin/mjpg_streamer -i "input_raspicam.so -x 400 -y 300 -fps 30" -o "output_http.so -w /usr/share/mjpg_streamer/www -p 8000"

Once you have updated the mjpg-streamer configuration, you should reload the configuration and restart the daemon:

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl restart mjpg_streamer