
Scheduler application that allows users to connect to Google Calendar and schedule their meetings on available dates and times.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Aplicação para agendamento de horários. Os usuários podem utilizar as datas disponíveis no calendário e escolherem o melhor horário para agendamentos de seus compromissos.

🪧 Vitrine.Dev
✨ Nome Ignite Timer - Pomodoro
🏷️ Tecnologias Next, TypeScript, Prisma, MySQL, Zod
🚀 URL https://ignite-call-artenlf.vercel.app/
🔥 Desafio https://bit.ly/44JDhxQ


Este projeto foi um dos requisitos para conclusão do sexto módulo na trilha React do Ignite Rocketseat. Os objetivos foram: construir uma aplicação completa (full-stack) utilizando o framework Next (React e TypeScript), o design system Ignite UI e Prisma para conectar ao banco de dados.

home page of application calendar page ready for pick a date




  • This application let users schedule an appointment date and time.


  • Next
  • React
  • Typescript
  • Ignite-UI (Design-system we developed)
  • Prisma
  • MySQL
  • Docker
  • Google Calendar API
  • Stitches
  • Axios
  • Nookies
  • React-Hook-Form
  • Zod
  • Phosphor-Icons
  • EsLint


  • This project is one of the requirements of conclusion of the sixth module in Rocketseat's Ignite course. The goals are to build an application working with Next framwork while using the design system we developed called Ignite-UI. Also we are integrating it to Google Calendar e creating our database with Prisma.


Deployed - v1.0


first step of register: page (username and name) second step of register: connect to Google Calendar third step of register: selecting available weekdays and times final step of register: filling out bio info calendar page ready for pick a date after selecting a date and time, form to fill out info (name, email and comments) before scheduling the meeting

