
Here, you'll find a high-level summary of the Route4Me API.

For a comprehensive guide on how to use Route4Me API, refer to the complete Route4Me API documentation.

About Route4Me

Route4Me is a SaaS platform that provides last-mile workflows and logistics solutions that enable delivery and pickup route planning, dynamic optimization, dispatching & tracking, and execution for various industries and businesses. The platform also provides business analysis tools to make smarter decisions.

The platform's core is the patented high-performance scalable optimization engine that runs efficiently on low-end virtualized cloud hardware. Typically, optimizing a 200-destination route takes less than 1 second.

Route4Me provides apps for the web and all major mobile platforms that interface with the platform APIs and support real-time push messaging to connected devices.

Route4Me's patented telematics technology integrates with third-party vendors and devices to ingest accurate in-field data about deliveries, service stops, and pickups.

Route4Me API Overview

Any paying Route4Me subscriber can interact with every part of the platform using its RESTful API.

Using the Route4Me API, developers integrate their apps and systems with the Route4Me platform features.

The API allows you to automate route planning, optimization, and dispatching for delivery, pickup, sales, and field service. You can also use the API to manage your Route4Me account, including address books, members, drivers, vehicles, tracking, avoidance zones, notes, etc. Moreover, you can use the API to analyze historical routes and distribute routes to field personnel.

Route4Me API supports JSON and XML formats in synchronous or asynchronous modes. Most API responses are JSON-encoded (only a few are XML-encoded).

We provide SDKs to interact with Route4Me API using C#, VB.NET, Python, Java, Node, C++, Ruby, PHP, Go, Erlang, Perl, cURL (using cmd and Bash), and VBScript.

All system metrics of the Route4Me API are constantly tracked and can be exported to S3, Vertica, Redshift, Bigquery, Kinesis, Lambda, Spark, Data Flow, and Cloud Functions.

All planned routes are stored and appear inside your Route4Me account. They are synchronized between your web and mobile accounts. All routes become inaccessible after your subscription is terminated.

Want to Dive In?

Feeling like an eager beaver? Learn how to get started, read the platform API reference, or acquaint yourself with the Route4Me SDKs.