
Custom guild house for AzerothCore

Primary LanguageC++

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Guild House Module

Important notes

You have to use at least AzerothCore commit 8f5c628.


This is a phased guild house system for AzerothCore, it allows players from the same guild to visit their guild house. All guilds will get their own phasing system and then the guild master can purchase NPC creatures and other stuff to complete the Guild House.


  • Class Trainers (all available in Wrath)
  • Primary Profession Trainers (all available in Wrath)
  • Secondary Profession Trainers (all available in Wrath)
  • Vendors: Reagents Vendor, Food & Water, Trade Goods, and Repairs/Ammo Vendor
  • Portals to Neutral, Horde and Alliance cities
  • Spirit Healer
  • Guild Bank and Personal Bank access
  • Auctioneer
  • Stable Master

How to use ingame

  1. After installation, as GM you will need to: .npc add 70101 -> somewhere public and accessible by other players.
  2. Players can purchase a guild house from the added NPC, then either teleport to the guildhouse via the NPC or chat: .guildhouse tele
  3. Each new Guild House starts with a portal to either Orgrimmar or Stormwind, based on Team (ALLIANCE / HORDE), and the Guild House Assistant.
  4. Speak with the Guild House Assistant to begin purchasing additions to your Guild House!


  • AzerothCore v1.0.1+


1) Place the module under the `modules` directory of your AzerothCore source. 
2) Import the SQL files manually to the right Database (auth, world or characters)
3) Re-run cmake and launch a clean build of AzerothCore.

Edit module configuration (optional)

If you need to change the module configuration, go to your server configuration folder (where your worldserver or worldserver.exe is), copy mod_guild_house_v2.conf.dist to mod_guild_house_v2.conf and edit that new file.


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