
C# project template for SpaceWarp (Fork for KerbalDev Rider plugin)

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


This is a fork that is integrated into the KerbalDev Rider plugin. If you use Rider, download KerbalDev. If you use Visual Studio or dotnet cli, download the original template.

SpaceWarp Template for .NET

This project serves as a SpaceWarp mod project template for the .NET CLI and Visual Studio.


  • .NET SDK - .NET Core 2.1+ or .NET 5+ is required for the .NET CLI tools


For .NET 7 SDK, you can use the commands as they are written below. For .NET 6 SDK and older, you need to replace install with --install.

You can see the SDK version currently in use and all SDK versions installed by running dotnet --info.

A. NuGet.org

  1. Run the following command in cmd or powershell:
    dotnet new install SpaceWarp.Template
    To install a specific version, you can add the version specifier to the command:
    dotnet new install SpaceWarp.Template::<version>

B. Manual

  1. Download the .nupkg file from GitHub releases
  2. Run the following command in cmd or powershell in the directory with the downloaded file after replacing <version> with the version number you downloaded:
    dotnet new install SpaceWarp.Template.<version>.nupkg


The template versions follow this convention: x.y.z.version, where x.y.z is the corresponding SpaceWarp version and version is the template version for that specific SpaceWarp release. For example, is the first version of the template which supports SpaceWarp 0.4.0.


To update the template in .NET 7 SDK, run the following command:

dotnet new update

When using .NET 6 SDK or earlier, use the following command instead:

dotnet new --update-apply

Creating a project

There are two options how to generate a project using this template:

A. Command line

  1. Open cmd or powershell in the folder where you want your project created

  2. Replace the information in the following command with your own and run it:

    dotnet new spacewarpmod -n MyAwesomeModName -G my_awesome_mod_name -A "munix" -B "com.github.munix.my_awesome_mod_name" -M "My Awesome Mod Name" -D "This is the description of my awesome mod." -S "https://github.com/munix/MyAwesomeModName" -V "1.0.0"

    Typing dotnet new spacewarpmod --help will show you the possible parameters. You can find more information about all project parameters in the Project parameters section.

  3. Copy the file <KSP2 Root>/KSP2_x64_Data/Managed/Assembly-CSharp.dll into the <project root>/external_dlls/ folder.

B. Visual Studio 2022

  1. Open Visual Studio
  2. Click on Create a new project
  3. Search for "SpaceWarp" in the search bar at the top, then select it and click Next
    Step 3
  4. Fill out your project name and click Next
    Step 4
  5. Fill out the fields on the following page. You can find more information about the parameters by hovering over the corresponding "i" icons, or in the Project parameters section.
    Step 5
  6. Click on Create and your project will be made.
  7. Copy the file <KSP2 Root>/KSP2_x64_Data/Managed/Assembly-CSharp.dll into the <project root>/external_dlls/ folder.
  8. Rebuild the solution once for all references to be resolved
    Step 8

Building a project

It is necessary to always have the <KSP2 Root>/KSP2_x64_Data/Managed/Assembly-CSharp.dll file copied into the <project root>/external_dlls/ folder before you can build your project.

Two build configurations are defined: Debug and Release. Building either of them will create a folder with the name of the configuration in the project root. This will create the complete folder structure needed to package your mods and upload them, i.e. BepInEx/plugins/your_mod/..., and all the folders and files necessary to distribute your mod (such as LICENSE, assets/, swinfo.json...), will be copied here, making it very convenient to just zip the whole folder and upload it.

When building the Debug target, the file your_mod.pdb is also copied next to your_mod.dll, so that you can easily copy the whole contents of the Debug folder into your KSP 2 root and start debugging your mod. To easily get started with breakpoint debugging your KSP 2 mods, see this document.

For Windows users, two batch scripts are included in the project root folder to provide an easy way to build the project by simply double-clicking one of the configurations: build-debug.bat and build-release.bat. Otherwise you can use your IDE or the .NET CLI to build the project.

Project parameters

When creating your project in either the console or Visual Studio, you are provided a number of parameters. Here you can find an overview of all the parameters and their meaning:

Parameter Console argument Short argument Description Default value
Project name --name -n The name of your project in PascalCase <current directory name>
TargetFramework --TargetFramework -T .NET version to target, default value is set for KSP 2 .netstandard2.0
UnityVersion --UnityVersion -U Unity version to target, default value is set for KSP 2 2020.3.33
GUID* --GUID -G Your mod's ID which serves as the folder and .dll name of your built mod, used by SpaceWarp -
Author* --Author -A The name(s) of the mod's author(s) -
BepinexName* --BepinexName -B Your mod's ID in domain syntax, for example: com.github.author.modname, used by BepInEx -
ModName* --ModName -M The name of your mod -
Description --Description -D A short description of your mod "" (empty)
Source --Source -S The repository or download location of the mod's source code
(for example: https://github.com/author/mod)
"" (empty)
Check Version --CheckVersion -C URL to up-to-date swinfo.json for version checking
(for example: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/author/mod/main/swinfo.json)
"" (empty)
Version --Version -V The mod's initial version 1.0.0

Parameters marked with an asterisk (*) and in bold text are required and do not have default values.