arthur-albuquerque's Following
- MvanSmeden
- dnzmarcioLos Angeles, CA
- DrToddLeeMcGill University
- nelsoncarvasjr
- martinspnEmory University
- csthiagoBrazil
- albertocarm
- wviechtbMaastricht University
- kathoffmanUniversity of Washington
- jeanpaulrsoucyUniversity of Toronto
- filiperfigos
- ngreiferHarvard University
- extensaoiescufrjInstituto de Estudos em Saúde Coletiva - UFRJ
- natpaivaIESC UFRJ
- AGPatriotaSão Paulo, Brazil
- bjklab
- flaxterUK
- BLMoranNSW Health
- ewvanzwet
- maxbiostatSchool of Applied Mathematics (EMAp), Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV)
- brophyjMcGill University
- dvdsb
- rmcelreathMax Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology
- AgasaxNTNU
- NickCH-KSeattle University
- z3ttIndependent Contractor
- ASKurz
- avehtariAalto University
- mvuorreTilburg University
- lnalborczykCNRS
- lslbastosPUC-Rio
- gkaramanisUppsala, Sweden
- andrew10043Duke University
- adrianveresHarvard University