
A cloud file storage service that allows syncing files across multiple nodes.

Primary LanguageGo


Retain is a cloud file storage service that lets you sync files across multiple nodes, supporting creation, modification, deletion and fetching specific versions of a file (in progress). Retain is an ongoing extension of the CSE 224 project Surfstore.


  1. Download and unzip the release. On Linux, run your server using this:
bin/retainServe -s <serviceType> -p <port> -l -d (blockStoreAddr*)

Here, service should be one of three values: meta, block, or both. This is used to specify the service provided by the server. port defines the port number that the server listens to (default=8080). -l configures the server to only listen on localhost. -d configures the server to output log statements. Lastly, (blockStoreAddr*) is the BlockStore address that the server is configured with. If service=both then the blockStoreAddr should be the ip:port of this server.

  1. Run your client using this:
bin/retainSync -d <host:port> <baseDir> <blockSize>


bin/retainServe -s both -p 8081 -l localhost:8081

This starts a server that listens only to localhost on port 8081 and services both the BlockStore and MetaStore interface.

Run the commands below on separate terminals (or nodes)
> bin/retainServe -s block -p 8081 -l
> bin/retainServe -s meta -l localhost:8081

The first line starts a server that services only the BlockStore interface and listens only to localhost on port 8081. The second line starts a server that services only the MetaStore interface, listens only to localhost on port 8080, and references the BlockStore we created as the underlying BlockStore. (Note: if these are on separate nodes, then you should use the public ip address and remove -l)

From a new terminal (or a new node), choose a base directory with some files in it.

> mkdir dataA
> cp ~/pic.jpg dataA/ 
> bin/retainSync server_addr:port dataA 4096

This would sync pic.jpg to the server hosted on server_addr:port, using dataA as the base directory, with a block size of 4096 bytes.

From another terminal (or a new node), run the client to sync with the server.

> mkdir dataB
> bin/retainSync server_addr:port dataB 4096
> ls dataB/
pic.jpg index.txt

We observe that pic.jpg has been synced to this client.