This project was a boilerplate creation for a Job Scheduling microservice integrated with Redis. Feel free to use it and modify as you wish.
Technologies used:
- Node.js
- Redis
- Bull
- Bull Board
- DotEnv
- Express
- Nodemailer
- Sucrase
- Nodemon
- Npm-run-all
After cloning the respository, install the dependencies:
yarn install
npm install
Then proceed with the creation of your .Env file to store your environment variables, for Redis and your chosen mail solution:
# Mail Environment Variables
# Redis Environment Variables
I used Docker to instantiate my Redis solution, Try it here!
If you opt for docker, here's the Redis version i've used for this project:
docker run --name redis -p 6379:6379 -d -t redis:alpine
If you want to test using the same rest client i've used with my settings, you can click the button below:
The server should run both the queue scheduler and the server itself utilizing:
yarn dev
npm dev
Bull Board:
I've added also an option of Admin Dashboard built in the Bull package, it's called Bull Board and it's a good tool to have in hand.
Important: If you opt for utilizing the Bull Board remember to add authentication to your admin/jobs route, otherwise any user should be able to see all your job entries.