
Primary LanguageCoqMIT LicenseMIT

Cryptis: Composition and Separation for Cryptographic Protocols

Cryptis is known to compile with the following dependencies in the OPAM Coq repository:

  • Coq 8.13
  • coq-iris v3.4
  • coq-mathcomp-ssreflect v1.12
  • coq-deriving v0.1.0

Core Library

  • mathcomp_compat: Compatibility with the Mathematical Components library
  • lib: General additions to Iris and MathComp. List manipulation programs for HeapLang.
  • pre_term, term: Cryptographic terms manipulated by protocols in Cryptis.
  • cryptis: Definitions of the main predicates of the Cryptis logic on top of Iris. In particular, this includes tag invariants for encrypted terms, keys and hashes.
  • primitives/*, primitives: HeapLang functions for manipulating cryptographic terms.
  • tactics: Ltac tactics for symbolically executing the main HeapLang functions on terms.
  • session: Predicates and invariants for agreeing on session parameters. Note that, although this file is used in the development, it is more general than what is needed to derive the examples in the paper.
  • dh: Additional lemmas for deriving forward secrecy properties with Diffie-Hellman key exchange.
  • attacker: Type system for writing attacker code.

Case studies

  • challenge_response: Authentication based on digital signatures.
  • nsl, nsl_dh, nsl_dh_game: NSL with Diffie-Hellman key exchange. Includes a generalized version of the NSL protocol, and the game-based proof of forward secrecy for NSL+DH.
  • tls13: The model of the TLS 1.3 handshake.
  • composite_game: A game-based security proof for TLS 1.3 when all previous three protocols are running together.