Hi 👋, I'm Bruno Rocha


fn main() {
  • 👨‍💻 I’m currently programming on Red Hat for Ansible project.
  • 🦀 I’m looking to collaborate on Rust working groups & Rust related projects.
  • ⚙️ I’m maintaining Python Dynaconf a library to manage app configurations for Python, Flask and Django.
  • 🐦 Best way to reach me is on twitter.com/rochaCbruno

     rochacbruno Twitch verified live coding partner

     rochacbruno Member of #LiveCoders team

     rochacbruno I create some videos for Youtube

rochacbruno rochacbruno codeshowbr rochacbruno rochacbruno codeshowbr

Read my full bio In English and In Portuguese

vuejs cplusplus css3 csharp django docker dotnet html5 javascript mongodb mysql postgresql redhat rust python nginx


