
Provide a datasource proxy that can inject your own logic into all queries

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


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Provide proxy classes for JDBC API to intercept executing queries.


  • Query and Parameter Logging
    You can log executing database queries and parameters with choice of your logging framework(commons, slf4j, sysout). Output can be formatted as JSON.

  • Query Metrics
    You can collect statistics of executed query such as total time, number of select, insert, update, delete queries, etc. Output can be formatted as JSON.

  • Custom Logic Injection for Query Execution
    You can write own QueryExecutionListener and they can get called before/after query execution.

  • Web Application Support
    ProxyDataSource can be configured via JNDI.
    Query metrics information are available per web request basis(request-response lifecycle).
    For UI with JSP, custom tag to access metrics(<dsp:metrics/>) is available as well.

  • Query and parameter replacement QueryTransformer and ParameterTransformer allows you to modify executing query and parameters right before calling the database.

log example

Query execution:

Name:MyProxy, Time:1, Success:True, Type:Statement, Batch:False, QuerySize:1, BatchSize:0, Query:["CREATE TABLE users(id INT, name VARCHAR(255))"], Params:[]
Name:MyProxy, Time:1, Success:True, Type:Prepared, Batch:True, QuerySize:1, BatchSize:2, Query:["INSERT INTO users (id, name) VALUES (?, ?)"], Params:[(1=1,2=foo),(1=2,2=bar)]
// JSON output
{"name":"MyProxy", "time":1, "success":true, "type":"Statement", "batch":false, "querySize":1, "batchSize":0, "query":["CREATE TABLE users(id INT, name VARCHAR(255))"], "params":[]}
{"name":"MyProxy", "time":0, "success":true, "type":"Prepared", "batch":true, "querySize":1, "batchSize":3, "query":["INSERT INTO users (id, name) VALUES (?, ?)"], "params":[{"1":"1","2":"foo"},{"1":"2","2":"bar"},{"1":"3","2":"baz"}]}

Query metrics:

Name:"MyProxy", Time:6, Total:1, Success:1, Failure:0, Select:1, Insert:0, Update:0, Delete:0, Other:0
// JSON output
{"name":"MyProxy", "time":10, "total":3, "success":3, "failure":0, "select":1, "insert":2, "update":0, "delete":0, "other":0}


  • No dependencies to other libraries, everything is optional.

    • For example, if you want to use slf4j logger with SLF4JQueryLoggingListener, then you need slf4j library.
  • requires jdk1.6+


Available in maven central repo.

how to use

Create ProxyDataSource class and pass it as a DataSource to your application.

Java based

DataSource dataSource = 
        .logQueryByCommons(INFO)    // logQueryBySlf4j(), logQueryToSysOut()

Spring (XML)

<bean id="dataSource" class="net.ttddyy.dsproxy.support.ProxyDataSource">
  <property name="dataSource" ref="[ACTUAL DATASOURCE BEAN]"/>
  <property name="listener" ref="listeners"/>

<bean id="listeners" class="net.ttddyy.dsproxy.listener.ChainListener">
  <property name="listeners">
      <bean class="net.ttddyy.dsproxy.listener.CommonsQueryLoggingListener">
      <!-- <bean class="net.ttddyy.dsproxy.listener.SLF4JQueryLoggingListener"> -->
        <property name="logLevel" value="INFO"/> <!-- Default is DEBUG -->
      <bean class="net.ttddyy.dsproxy.listener.DataSourceQueryCountListener"/>


<Resource name="jdbc/global/myProxy" 
          dataSource="[REFERENCE_TO_ACTUAL_DATASOURCE_RESOURCE]"  <!-- ex: java:jdbc/global/myDS --> 

(optional) To log query metrics(not query execution), add one of the followings to your application:

By Servlet Filter (javax.servlet.Filter):

  • CommonsQueryCountLoggingServletFilter
  • SLF4JQueryCountLoggingServletFilter
  • SystemOutQueryCountLoggingServletFilter

By Servlet Request Listener (javax.servlet.ServletRequestListener):

  • CommonsQueryCountLoggingRequestListener
  • SLF4JQueryCountLoggingRequestListener

By Spring HandlerInterceptor (org.springframework.web.servlet.HandlerInterceptor):

  • CommonsQueryCountLoggingHandlerInterceptor
  • SLF4JQueryCountLoggingHandlerInterceptor
  • SystemOutQueryCountLoggingHandlerInterceptor

taglib (optional)

<%@ taglib prefix="dsp" uri="http://www.ttddyy.net/dsproxy/tags" %>

<dsp:metrics metric="select"/>  - Select
<dsp:metrics metric="update" dataSource="FOO" />  - Num of update queries for datasource FOO
<dsp:metrics metric="total"/>  - Total Queries
<dsp:metrics metric="call"/>  - Num of DB Call
<dsp:metrics metric="time"/>  - Total TIme


Example projects: https://github.com/ttddyy/datasource-proxy-examples
