
A basic tester for 42's new minishell

Primary LanguageShell



  • You must have your prompt and any other message/banner printed on STDERR (like bash)


  1. Go into your minishell folder and clone this repo
  2. Run cd minishell-tester && bash test.sh

What does it test ?

  • echo
  • cd
  • pwd
  • exit
  • | pipes
  • ; separator
  • > >> < redirections
  • env expansions
  • export
  • env
  • unset
  • exit status ($?)

What should you test by yourself ?

Almost everything :) This tester is not perfect and is not checking leaks and error messages.
It's there to show you a few errors that can occurs. You should do some tests on your own aswell !

Feel free to improve this tester !