
A recognizer according to Process mining techniques

Primary LanguageProlog



Group members:

  • amadou_a
  • douill_a
  • billio_r
  • legoua_g
  • chowdu_f

The purpose of this project was to take a first approach to Process Mining.

Given input logs in the form "[<a, b, c>, <a, b, d>, <b, d>^2]", the program builds a model and return an event script describing the model.

How to launch the program

To create a model from the logs and print the corresponding script:

./main.pl path_to_file_with_logs output_file


./main.pl tests/event_log.txt results.txt

To create a model from the logs, print it to a dot file and print the corresponding script:

./main.pl path_to_file_with_logs output_file -d dotfile_name


./main.pl tests/event_log.txt results.txt -d graph.dot

To generate an image from the dotfile:

./dot_to_png.sh dotfile_name

Implementation details

The process discovery is done using the Inductive Mining Algorithm, created by Leemans et al.,2016 and described in their paper Scalable process discovery and conformance checking. Software & Systems Modeling.

The Inductive Mining Algorithm turns event logs into a model represented with a Directly Follows Graph. This graph is then split up in smaller graphs using different cut operators:

  • The sequential cut, which occurs when an activity A follows B but B never follows A.
  • The exclusive cut, where A and B never reach each other.
  • The parallel cut, where A and B can appear in any intertwined order.
  • Finally, the loop cut, which is composed of a body and redo activities.

For example files, please take a look at the tests folder.

Test suite

The test script will parse the input file and write the results into an output file. Then the output file will be parsed and its content compared to the file containing the results.

To launch the test suite, open swipl, load the file tests.pl located in the test folder, and call the predicate launch_tests/3 with the following parameters: LogFile, OutputFile, ResultFile.