
Terminology of Continual Learning, a key word -> a definition. Ideally, each key word is linked to the first paper that introduced it.

Multiple keywords can correspond to actually the same definition. In that case, a link is made to centralize all of them to the most common one.

Keyword Citation Definition Similar keyword
NC: New Classes Lomonaco17 Each new task is made of new never-seen-before classes. Class-Incremental Learning
NI: New Instances Lomonaco17 Each new task is made of new samples, often from a different domain. Domain Incremental Learning
NIC: New Instances and Classes Lomonaco17 Each new task is made of existing classes from new domains and from new classes.
Domain Incremental Learning Each new task is made of new samples coming from new domains
CIL: Class Incremental Learning Each new task is made of new never-seen-before classes; no task id at test-time. Single Head
Task Incremental Learning Each new task is made of new never-seen-before classes; access task id at test-time. Multi Heads
Rehearsal Learning Re-use a bounded amount of previous data in a rehearsal memory.
Episodic Replay Re-use a bounded amount of previous data in a rehearsal memory. Rehearsal Learning
Pseudo-Rehearsal Learning Generate previous data to be rehearsed. Rehearsal Learning
Generative Replay Generate previous data to be rehearsed. Pseudo-Rehearsal Learning
Single Head Chaudhry18 No access to task identifier at test-time.
Multi Heads Chaudhry18 Access to task identifier at test-time.
Joint Model Oracle model that learns jointly on all tasks