
A very basic LÖVE scene manager.

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT


A very basic LÖVE scene manager.

How to Use

Add included main.lua to your project folder. Then, require "scene" on every file you want to load a scene. By default, the first scene loaded is scenes/main.lua.


Customize first scene to load by editing FIRST_SCENE variable on main.lua. By default, scenes are loaded from scenes folder of main folder. You can change it by editing scenesFolder variable.

Defining a Scene

A scene file is a .lua file that returns a table with functions with the same name as LÖVE callbacks, plus unload (if needed). load will be called on next scene when it's loaded, and unload will be called when the current scene is about to be unloaded.


require "scene" -- only needed to load another scene

local s = {} -- define the table that will be returned

function s.load() -- first function to be called by scene manager
    print "Scene loaded"

function s.unload() -- last function to be called by scene manager before unload
    print "Scene unloaded"

function s.draw() -- a LOVE callback
    love.graphics.print("Drawing scene",0,0)

function s.keypressed(key) -- another LOVE callback
    if key == "escape" then
        Scene.Load("anotherScene") -- will try to load "anotherScene.lua" on "scenes" folder

return s -- this is important!


Every scene must return a table that contains LÖVE callbacks. Every callback is optional, just like main.lua.


Unloads current scene (if any) by calling unload callback on current scene, loads the new scene (the <name>.lua file on "scenes" folder) and call load callback on the new scene. If <name>.lua doesn't exist, an error is raised.


  • name: the scene file name, without .lua part (Example: if you want to load main.lua on scenes folder, you need to call Scene.Load("main")).


Scene manager supports any callback that LÖVE supports, thanks to modified love.run inside included main.lua. Also, it supports unload callback, used to unload any resources that won't be used anymore on the current scene and the GC can't handle (like physics callbacks and anything like that).