
✨ Git cheat sheet

Git (Cheat Sheet)

Previous version: gist.github.com

Topics Commands
Setup and Config git, config, help
Getting and Creating Projects init, clone
Basic Snapshotting add, status, diff, commit, notes, restore, reset, rm, mv
Branching and Merging branch, checkout, switch, merge, mergetool, log, stash, tag, worktree
Sharing and Updating Projects fetch, pull, push, remote, submodule
Inspection and Comparison show, log, diff, difftool, range-diff, shortlog, describe
Patching apply, cherry-pick, diff, rebase, revert
Debugging bisect, blame, grep

Source: git-scm.com


Basic Snapshotting

Changing the last commit messsage

If you simply want to modify your last commit message, that's easy:

git commit --amend

The command above loads the previous commit message into an editor session, where you can make changes to the message, save those changes and exit. When you save and close the editor, the editor writes a new commit containing that updated commit message and makes it your new last commit.

Source: git-scm.com

Changing the last commit content (undo last commit)

If you want to change the actual content of your last commit, the process works basically the same way:

git add file # stage the changes you want to add
#       ^file name
git commit --amend # replace the last commit with the staged changes

First make the changes you think you forgot, stage those changes, and the subsequent  git commit --amend replaces that last commit with your new, improved commit.

NOTE You need to be careful with this technique because amending changes the SHA-1 of the commit. It's like a very small rebase --- don't amend your last commit if you've already pushed it.

Source: git-scm.com

Branching and Merging

git branch -m (rename branch)

Source: git-scm.com > git branch -m

Move/rename a branch, together with its config and reflog.


git branch --move {{current-branch-name}} {{new-branch-name}}


# before
git branch
* main

git branch --move arthurgousset/feat/add-USDC-on-Celo-Alfajores arthurgousset/OLD/feat/add-USDC-on-Celo-Alfajores

# after
git branch
* main

Open branch from remote repository

git checkout --track origin/my-branch-name

Source:  Git Branches: List, Create, Switch to, Merge, Push, & Delete

Sharing and Updating Projects

In Git, "remotes" are pointers to versions of your repository that are hosted on the internet or on a network somewhere, as opposed to being on your local machine.

When you work with Git, you have a local repository that lives on your computer. This repository contains all of your project's files and the history of changes made to those files. However, when you want to share your code with others or synchronize it across multiple computers, you need a way to connect your local repository to a remote location.

Under the hood:

  • Configuration Files: Remotes are configured in the .git/config file of your local repository. This file contains the URLs and settings for your remotes.

  • References: Remotes work with references, which are pointers to commits. These are stored in a subdirectory of the .git directory called refs/remotes/.

  • Network Protocols: Git supports several protocols for communicating with remotes, including HTTP, HTTPS, SSH, and Git's own protocol.

  • Security: When you push to or pull from a remote, Git ensures the integrity of the data transfer. With SSH, for example, the data is encrypted.

  • Pruning: Over time, a remote repository may have branches deleted. To clean up these stale references, you can use git fetch with the --prune option.

  • Tags: Remotes also keep track of tags, which are like snapshots of your repository at a certain point in time. You can push tags to remotes with git push --tags.

  • Branch Tracking: Local branches can track remote branches. This means changes in the remote branch can be pulled into the local branch with a simple git pull, without specifying the remote name and branch.

Source: ChatGPT

Existing remotes

When you clone a repository, Git automatically adds a remote called origin. This points to the location from which you cloned the repository. You can see which remotes are configured with:

git remote -v

The -v flag stands for "verbose" and tells Git to show the URLs that each remote points to.

For example, in my viem fork I have the following remotes:

~/Documents/0xarthurxyz/viem main $ git remote -v
origin	git@github.com:0xarthurxyz/viem.git (fetch)
origin	git@github.com:0xarthurxyz/viem.git (push)
upstream	https://github.com/wagmi-dev/viem.git (fetch)
upstream	https://github.com/wagmi-dev/viem.git (push)

The output is expected and does not indicate duplicate remotes. In Git, remote refers to a remote repository that your local repository can track. Each remote can have multiple URLs associated with it for different actions---typically at least for fetching and pushing changes.

In the output above, there are two remotes configured for your local repository:

  1. origin: This is the default name Git gives to the remote from which you cloned your repo. It has two URLs listed, one for fetching (git fetch, git pull) and one for pushing (git push). Both actions are using the SSH protocol, as indicated by the git@github.com syntax.

  2. upstream: This is the remote you've added manually, which points to the original repository (often the one you forked from). Like origin, it has a URL for fetching and one for pushing. In this case, both actions are using the HTTPS protocol, which you can tell by the https:// prefix.

Having both origin and upstream is common when you have a forked repository:

  • You would use origin to push and pull changes to and from your fork.
  • You would use upstream to fetch changes from the original repository (which you've forked) to keep your local repository and your fork up-to-date with the original.

You have what you need to interact with both your fork (origin) and the original repository (upstream).

Source: ChatGPT

Add remote

If you want to track another repository in addition to the one you cloned from (for example, the original repository when you're working on a fork), you can add a new remote:

git remote add <name> <url>

For example, I cloned the repository wagmi-dev/viem as 0xarthurxyz/viem and I want to track the original repository in my local repository. In that case I can add a new remote (arbitrarily called upstream) that lives at the following URL https://github.com/wagmi-dev/viem.git

git remote add upstream git@github.com:wagmi-dev/viem.git
#              ^name    ^url

This command tells Git to add a new remote called upstream pointing to the URL of the original repository. Remotes are like bookmarks for repositories that allow you to track the same project in different locations.

Source: ChatGPT

Remove remote

To remove a remote, you use:

git remote remove <name>

For example, to remove a remote (arbitrarily called upstream), you run:

git remote remove upstream
#                 ^name

It's common to remove a remote when you no longer want to track a repository. It's

Fetching from a remote

To bring in the history and changes from a remote repository, you use:

git fetch {{repository}}

This command downloads objects and refs from the remote but doesn't merge any changes into your working files.

For example, after adding the wagmi-dev/viem remote as "upstream", you fetch the changes from the remote by running:

git fetch upstream
#         ^name

git fetch communicates with the upstream repository and downloads the commits, files, and refs to your local repository. This step ensures that you have the latest history of the upstream project, but it doesn't modify your working directory or your current branch. In other words, this command downloads objects and refs from the remote but doesn't merge any changes into your working files.

Source: ChatGPT

Pushing to a remote

When you have commits in your local repository that you want to share with the remote, you use:

git push <name> <branch>

This command sends your commits to the remote repository so others can see and pull them.

Source: ChatGPT

Pulling from a remote

When you want to update your local branch with changes from the remote, you use:

git pull <name> <branch>

This is effectively a git fetch followed by a git merge.

Inspection and Comparison

Visualising a commit graph

git log --oneline --graph --decorate --all

This command shows you the commit history with all branches and tags decorated with their names, presented in a graph structure to illustrate forks and merges.

For example, in my viem fork I have the following commit graph:

~/Documents/0xarthurxyz/viem main $ git log --oneline --graph --decorate --all

*   721fc122 (HEAD -> main, origin/main, origin/HEAD) Merge branch 'wagmi-dev:main' into main
| * 291e9ba2 chore: version package (#1459)
| * 46213902 fix: undefined nativeCurrency - fixes #1457
* | ec233f4b Merge branch 'wagmi-dev:main' into main
| * 6ae86cee chore: version package (#1456)
| * 880345ca chore: update snapshots
| * e40006aa feat: add Kava Testnet and edited Kava Mainnet RPC (#1453)
| * 95991301 fix: event name on `watchContractEvent` fallback
| * dd8bccc7 fix: celo rpc block type
| * e6796672 chore: version package (#1449)
| * 494dc538 chore: bump celo test coverage
| * c0da695a fix: celo-specific transaction (CIP64) regressions (#1434)
| * c2fab4a7 fix: zksync formatters (#1448)

Typical workflows

Update feature-branch with latest commits from the main branch

  1. Checkout the main branch:

    $ git checkout main
  2. Pull the latest changes from the remote main branch:

    $ git pull origin main
  3. Checkout your feature-branch:

    $ git checkout {{feature-branch}}
  4. Merge the changes from the main branch into your feature-branch:

    $ git merge main
  5. Resolve any merge conflicts if they occur: If there are any merge conflicts, you will need to resolve them manually. Git will indicate which files have conflicts, and you can use a text editor or a merge tool to resolve them.

  6. Commit the merge changes: After resolving any conflicts, you can commit the merge changes to your feature branch:

    $ git commit -am "Merge changes from main into feature branch"
  7. Push the changes to the remote feature branch:

    $ git push origin {{feature-branch}}

By following these steps, your feature branch will be updated with the latest commits from the master branch.

Reset local branch to match remote branch

For example, I have a fork of wagmi-dev/viem at 0xarthurxyz/viem and I want my main branch (in 0xarthurxyz/viem) to match the main branch (in wagmi-dev/viem) exactly. I want 0 files changed, 0 insertions, 0 deletions, 0 commits ahead, 0 commits behind.

That way, I can create a new branch from main and work on it without having to worry about merging changes from wagmi-dev/viem.

Step 1: Fetch the Upstream Repository

If you haven't already configured the upstream repository as a remote, you need to add it. The upstream repository is the original repository from which you forked.

# Check if upstream is already configured
git remote -v

# If not add it
git remote add upstream git@github.com:wagmi-dev/viem.git
#              ^name    ^url

After adding the remote, you fetch the changes:

git fetch upstream
#         ^name

Step 2: Reset Your Main Branch

You need to make sure you're on your main branch:

git checkout main
#            ^branch

Then, you reset your main branch to the state of the main branch of the upstream repository:

git reset --hard upstream/main
#                ^name    ^branch

git reset --hard moves the current branch's tip to the specified commit, in this case, the tip of the upstream/main branch. The --hard flag tells Git to also reset the staging area and the working directory to match. This effectively discards all commits in your local main branch that are not in the upstream main branch.

Step 3: Force Push to Your Fork

After resetting your local branch, you can now force push this state to your GitHub fork:

git push origin main --force
#        ^name  ^branch

git push updates the remote branch with your local branch's current state. The --force flag is necessary here because you're rewriting the commit history of the main branch on the remote. This can be destructive, as it will replace the history on GitHub with the history from the upstream repository. Since you're working alone on this fork, it's safe to do so.


  • Be cautious with --force: Force pushing is a powerful feature that should be used with caution. It can permanently erase commits if used incorrectly. Always ensure that you're force pushing to the correct branch and repository.

  • Backup your work: Before performing operations that rewrite history, such as a hard reset, it's a good practice to create a backup branch of your current state, just in case you need to refer back to it.

  • Open Pull Requests: If you have open pull requests from your fork, resetting branches can affect them. Since you're working alone, this may not be a concern, but it's something to keep in mind when collaborating with others.

Re-writing commit history that has already been pushed to remote

Source: ChatGPT

If you want to rewrite the commit history of a branch, you can use an interactive rebase.

[!WARNING] Rewriting commit history, especially on shared branches, can lead to complications for others who might have based their work on those commits.

  1. Create a backup branch (optional):

    git checkout -b <backup-branch>

    It's a good practice to create a backup branch of your current state, so you can easily revert if something goes wrong.

  2. Start the Interactive Rebase

    git rebase -i HEAD~5

    If you want to change the last 5 commits, you'll use the command git rebase -i HEAD~5. This command tells Git to rebase the last 5 commits interactively.

  3. Select Commits to Edit

    Your default text editor opens with a list of the last 5 commits, each prefixed with the word pick. To change a commit message, replace pick with reword or simply r next to the commit you wish to update. Do this for all commits whose messages you want to change. Save and close the editor.

    pick e3a1b35 Commit message #5
    pick 7ac9a67 Commit message #4
    pick 1d2a3f4 Commit message #3
    pick 4b5c6d7 Commit message #2
    pick 8e9f0a1 Commit message #1

    Change to:

    reword e3a1b35 Commit message #5
    reword 7ac9a67 Commit message #4
    reword 1d2a3f4 Commit message #3
    reword 4b5c6d7 Commit message #2
    reword 8e9f0a1 Commit message #1
  4. Reword Commit Messages

    After closing the editor, Git will pause at each commit you marked for rewording, allowing you to change its commit message. Your editor will open again for each commit, showing the current commit message.

    Edit the message as desired. Save and close the editor to move to the next commit. Repeat this process for each commit you've marked for rewording.

  5. Finalizing the Rebase

    Once you've reworded all the commit messages, Git will finish the rebase. If there are no conflicts or issues, your branch's history now reflects the new commit messages.

  6. Force Push the Changes to the Remote Repository

    Since you've altered the commit history, you'll need to force push these changes to your remote repository. Use the command:

    git push origin <your-branch-name> --force
  7. Delete the Backup Branch (optional)

    If you created a backup branch, you can delete it after you've confirmed that the rebase was successful.

    git branch -D <backup-branch>

Update fork with latest changes from upstream (incl. resolve conflicts)

Source: ChatGPT

  1. Fetch the latest changes from the upstream repository:

    git checkout main
    git fetch upstream
  2. Merge or rebase your branch with the upstream's main:

    • Merge (This keeps history; may introduce a merge commit if conflicts exist):
      git merge upstream/main  # This might prompt you to resolve conflicts
    • Rebase (This rewrites history to make it linear):
      git rebase upstream/main  # Resolve conflicts as they appear
  3. Resolve any conflicts that arise:

    • Manually edit the files marked as conflicts.
    • After editing, mark each resolved file with:
      git add [file]
  4. Complete the merge or rebase:

    • If merging:
      git commit  # This is needed only if there were conflicts
    • If rebasing:
      git rebase --continue  # Do this after each conflict resolution
  5. Push the changes to your fork:

    git push origin main

Move a commit from a feature-branch to a new other-feature-branch

Source: Warp AI

  1. Find the hash of the commit you'd like to move

    # Visualise the commit history
    git log --oneline --graph --decorate --all
    # Inspect the diff of a single commit
    git show {{hash}}
  2. Cut a new-branch branch (probably from main, but possibly also from the existing feature-branch from which we'll cherry pick)

    git checkout main
    # cut branch
    git checkout -b {{new-branch}}
  3. Add the single commit from the feature-branch to the new-branch

    git cherry-pick {{hash}}

See stashed changes

Source: ChatGPT

To see all the stashes you have stored in your repository, you can use the command:

$ git stash list

This command will list all your stashes in a stack-like structure (last in, first out). Each entry in the stash list is given an index, starting from 0, in the format: stash@{index}. For example:

stash@{0}: WIP on feature-branch: 3203abc Adding new features
stash@{1}: On master: 9fd5bca Fix something

If you want to see the detailed changes in a specific stash, you can use the git stash show command with the -p (or --patch) option, which shows the diff of what’s in the stash as compared to its original parent commit:

$ git stash show -p stash@{index}

Replace index with the number of the stash you want to inspect. For example:

$ git stash show -p stash@{0}

Delete feature-branch on remote

Source: ChatGPT

  1. Delete local feature-branch

    $ git branch -D {{feature-branch}} # force delete

    To delete the branch locally, you can use the git branch -d command. If the branch has changes that haven't been merged, Git will prevent deletion to safeguard your work. If you're certain you want to delete it anyway, you can use -D which is a force delete.

  2. Push deletion to remote

    $ git push {{remote}} --delete {{feature-branch}}

    Replace {{remote}} with origin or another alias. origin is the default name for the primary remote. Replace feature-branch with the name of the branch you want to delete. This command tells Git to push a delete command for the specified branch to the remote repository.

  3. Confirm deletion by listing remote branches

    $ git fetch --prune
    $ git branch -r

    Here, fetch --prune cleans up any remote-tracking references that no longer exist on the remote. git branch -r lists all remote branches known to your local repository. These branch names are prefixed with the name of the remote repository, such as origin/, for example origin/main or origin/feature-branch.