
Unity frontend for a psychomotor skills training app

Primary LanguageShaderLab

Milki-Psy Frontend

This repository contains a Unity frontend for psychomotor skills training applications. It works by parsing training programs further divided into stages from a local configuration folder. After selecting a program, the user will be guided through its stages. Detailed instructions can be specified using text, audio, videos or pictures for each stage. To provide feedback, a backend can be connected via TCP. The frontend sends information about the currently running program and stage. By evaluating real-time sensor data, the backend analyzes the user's performance and sends back a response. The frontend currently supports short popup texts and more detailed feedback with text and media in the same format as the instructions. The current stage can also be changed by the backend. This can be used to automatically continue when the user completes a stage. To see this functionality in action, use this example backend. It demonstrates how to connect to the frontend, receive status updates, and provides a command line interface for sending messages back to the client. Refer to the readme of the backend repository for technical details.

Demo Video of the HoloLens Version

Demo Video of the Windows Version With Backend


The app is available for Windows, Linux, HoloLens 2, and Android. Executables can be found in the releases section of this repository. Use the Windows Device Portal to sideload the app onto the HoloLens 2. The package is self-signed, so the certificate (.cer) included in the release folder must be installed on the HoloLens before installing the app (also using Windows Device Portal).


The frontend relies on data in a folder called 'MilkiPsyConfiguration' that must be present in the local Documents folder (Home directory on Linux). A working example can be found alongside the executables in the releases section of this repository.


The file 'ServerAddress.json' in the root configuration folder defines the address of the server the app will attempt to connect to.

Key Type Meaning Required
ip String The app will attempt to connect to a backend running on this address. Yes
port Int The app will attempt to connect on this port. Yes


    "ip": "",
    "port":  13000

The file 'LoggingSettings.json' in the root configuration folder can be used to make troubleshooting easier by displaying technical information in the user interface.

Key Type Meaning Required
logDebugInfo Boolean Whether or not to display technical information such as when outdated server messages are ignored Yes
logDebugError Boolean Whether or not to display messages related to errors such as file access or parsing errors Yes


    "logDebugInfo": true,
    "logDebugErrors": true


Each program is defined in its own .json file in 'MilkiPsyConfiguration/Programs'.

Key Type Meaning Required
displayName String The name of the program as displayed to the user Yes
estimatedDurationMinutes Float The duration of the program as displayed in the program selection menu No
stageFilenames String Array A list of .json filenames (including the '.json' at the end). Each entry refers to a stage configuration file. The files will be parsed into stages and added to the program. Yes


    "displayName": "Example Program",
    "estimatedDurationMinutes":  35.0,


Each stage is defined in its own .json file in 'MilkiPsyConfiguration/Stages'. One stage definition can be used in multiple different programs or even multiple times in the same program.

Key Type Meaning Required
displayName String The name of the stage as displayed to the user. Should tell the user what to do. Yes
instructionsFilename String The name of the .json file (including the '.json' at the end) that defines the detailed instructions to be displayed while the stage is running. No
durationMinutes Float A timer will count down from the specified time. Once it runs out, the stage will automatically be completed. If not defined or zero, the timer will count up instead and the stage will not end automatically. No


    "displayName": "Example Stage 1",
    "instructionsFilename": "example_instructions_1.json"

Instructions and Feedback

Each instruction is defined in its own .json file in 'MilkiPsyConfiguration/InstructionsAndFeedback'. The same applies to feedback that can be displayed as a response to a message from the server. One instructions definition can be used in multiple different stages.

Key Type Meaning Required
text String The text to display to the user. May contain markup syntax. Yes, unless 'media' is defined
mediaFilename String The name of the media file to display, including the file ending. Yes, unless 'text' is defined


    "text": "<size=120%>Heading<size=100%><br><br>Body",
    "mediaFilename": "test_image.jpeg"


These files can be referenced in instructions and feedback files.

Type Supported Formats Location
Image .png, .jpeg 'MilkiPsyConfiguration/Media/Images'
Video .webm, .mp4* 'MilkiPsyConfiguration/Media/Videos'
Audio .wav, .mp3, .ogg 'MilkiPsyConfiguration/Media/Audio'

*not supported on Linux

Popup Messages

The popup messages that can be triggered by the server must be defined in .json files located in 'MilkiPsyConfiguration/PopupMessages'.

Key Type Meaning Required
text String The text of the message Yes
connotation Int 1 = Good, 2 = Neutral, 3 = Bad. The connotation is supposed to control the background color of the message, but this is not implemented yet. Yes


    "text": "This is a popup message",
    "connotation": 2


There are no special requirements for building the app for any platform except HoloLens. To gain access to the local documents folder where the configuration files are, permission is needed. It is currently not possible to set this up in Unity, so the package manifest file must be manually edited after building. For instructions, refer to the section on 'Documents' under 'Restricted Capability List' in the documentation. The package file will not be overwritten on subsequent builds to the same folder, so you only need to do this the first time.

Further Development

The configuration process is very annoying. It requires perfect spelling and adherence to specific file and folder structures. It would be much more user friendly to generate the configuration files automatically using a graphical editor and load them into the frontend using an online content management system.

The user interface is very dodgy on the HoloLens version because it was adapted to work in AR rather than built for it. We use MRTK to map hand gesture input to Unity's standard two dimensional UI system. This works, but it doesn't work well. It often takes two or three tries before a button press is registered. To fix this, the interface should be properly ported to AR using MRTK prefabs.