
a golang performance detector

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

perfm Build Status Go Report Card

a golang performence testing platform

What's new

  • v3.0 is comming out
  • reconstruct the project, make design clean and clear
  • upgrade histogram implementation, now it can treate streaming data and caculate STDEV and CV

What's in it

│ ┌─Manager─────────────────┐      ┌───────┐  │
│ │                         │     ┌┴──────┐│  │
│ │                         │    ┌┴Workers││  │
│ │                         ├────►       │││  │
│ └──────────────────┬──────┘    │ Job   │││  │
│                    │           │       │├┘  │
│ ┌─Collector────────▼──────┐    │       ││   │
│ │                         ◄────┤       ├┘   │
│ │       Histogram         │    └───────┘    │
│ └─────────────────────────┘                 │

Understand perfm Workflow

  • a perfm job work like this...
for {

    start := time.Now()
    count = time.Since(start)
  • perfm jobs work on different goroutine
    for parallels {
 +---------+ +---------+ +---------+
 |   job   | |   job   | |   job   |
 |         | |         | |         |
 |for{     | |for{     | |for{     |
 | pre()   | | pre()   | | pre()   |
 | do()    | | do()    | | do()    | ... ...
 |}        | |}        | |}        |
 | after() | | after() | | after() |
 +---------+ +---------+ +---------+

Short Example

2 steps to start your benchmark!

  1. implement you own perfm.Job
  2. call perfm.Start(Job)

You can start with Wizard.sh creating your job templates.

basic http benchmark job by example

type job struct {
	// job private data
	url string

// Copy will called in parallel
func (j *job) Copy() (perfm.Job,error) {
	jc := *j
	return &jc, nil

func (j *job) Pre() error {
	// do pre job, prepare the data
    return nil
func (j *job) Do() error {
	// do benchmark job, the cost will be count
	_, err := http.Get(j.url)
	return err
func (j *job) After() {
	// do clean job, only called in the end of the job

// start perfm
perfm := perfm.New(perfm.WithBinsNumber(15), perfm.WithParallel(5), perfm.WithDuration(10))
j := &job{}
j.url = "http://www.baidu.com"



  • version 0.1 support the qps and average cost counting
  • version 1.0 change the perfm into a testing interface, just rejuest and start, the test will be automaticly done
  • version 2.0 add the excel/numbers .cvs file export. make it easy to draw graphic with other data processor.
  • version 3.0
    • reconstruct on API and better support for streaming data.
    • bug fixing