
Example of a web + sms chatbot that uses state transitions to advance the conversation

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Chatbot Prototype


Setup is straightforward:

  1. clone the repository
  2. run npm install
  3. create a deploy.json file that contains the following keys: 1. hostname - the target domain 2. logLevel - the minimum log level to display (info or debug usually) 3. db - the postgresql db connection string. I.e. postgres://user:pwd@host:port/db (schema can be found in schema.sql) 4. port - set this to whatever you want
  4. build the project by doing node build.js dist/build
  5. run the project by doing npm start you'll have to do this as sudo to bind to port 80

ChatBot Mechanics

Conversations can be conceptualized as state transitions. Each state has:

  1. A question generator, which generates a personalised question based on collected user data (such as name)
  2. An answer interpreter, which takes the user's answer and collected user data and does: * an update to the collected user data, adding any additional information learnt in the answer * provides a tailored response to the answer to send back to the user * selects the next state to transition to

Specific Interface

The entirety of the state graph can be laid out in a dictionary object. Each entry is a unique state, with its key being a unique identifier. The start state has reserved identifier: init.

Question Generator

The question generator can be implemented as a simple function that takes in a dictionary of user data, and returns a string question. Below is an example:

function dummyQuestion( userData ) {
    var gender = userData.gender === "M" ? "male" : "female";
    return `So ${userData.name}, do you find ` +
        `it tough growing up as a ${gender}?`;

If there is no question to ask (i.e. you are in a special start or end state), the generator should return null.

Instead of returning a string, you could allow for the option to provide overrides for specific vectors. If the question is multiple choice, you could send the choices to a web client in a structured form, which in turn could render the question as a set of buttons instead of just text. This would reduce the scope for mis-interpreting the answer.

Answer Interpeter

The answer interpreter is slightly more tricky - it can be implemented as a function that takes the raw answer string, and a special result object.

The result object has the following fields:

  • state : set this to the state identifier that you wish to transition to.
  • data : this contains a cloned dictionary of the user's data. Make any revisions/additions to the user data by modifying this.
  • reply : set this to be the message that the bot will respond with (if a response is warranted)

Below is a simple example:

// interpreter for state "ask_age", with the question - "How old are you?"
function dummyInterpreter( answer, res ) {
    var age = parseInt( answer ); 
    if( _.isNaN(age) ) {
        res.reply = "Didn't quite catch that..";
        //transition to the current state to re-ask the question
        res.state = "ask_age" 
    } else {
       res.reply = "Wow, ${age}, you're ancient!"; 
       res.data.age = age;
       res.state = "ask_gender";