Vim settings

I'm always eager to learn, but I can't remember everything. Here is the list of the plugins I'm using - it is a reminder of the most important commands and settings for each plugin.


Do not copy my .vimrc because they may not fit to your working style (see Luca Pettes wonderful article). But if you would like to use this repository run the script.


Whenever you save a file, it deletes all of its entries and invokes ctags in append mode.

Wrap text in block.

  • '<,'>Block ... works even in visual mode
  • ..,..Block ... define a range where you want to have the block

Opens a split with a calendar inside.

  • :Calendar ... opens a vertical split
  • <arrow-keys> ... move around in the calendar
  • q ... will close the calendar

Makes search/replacing in your project a lot easier.

  • <leader>vv|vV ... find word/whole word under the cursor
  • <leader>vr|vR ... perform global search replace of word/whole word under cursor, with confirmation

Semantic autoclose brackets.

Fuzzy finder for your shell as a Vim plugin

Git wrapper.

  • :Gstatus ... git status
    • <C-n> ... go to the next file
    • <C-p> ... go to the previous file
    • - ... git add/git reset depending where you are in the windows (mark multiple files in visual mode)
    • ca ... makes git commit ammend
    • D ... makes diff
    • ds ... makes a horizontal
    • dv ... makes a vertical diff
    • q ... close :Gstatus
  • :Gwrite ... stage the current file to index
  • :Gcommit ... git commit (press wq for send)
  • :Gremove ... git rm
  • :Gmove ... rename the current file and add change to index
  • :Gpush ... performs a git push
  • :Gread ... makes will load the previous file status on the current file buffer
  • :Gdiff ... split the window to see diff
    • ]c ... jump to next hunk of the merge
    • [c ... jump to previous hunk of merge
    • p ... run git add -p for the current file
    • :diffget ... get the changes from the not active window
    • :diffput ... put the changes from the active window to the not active window
    • 3-way diffs:
      • :diffget //LO ... get the changes from left LOCAL (the file from the current branch)
      • :diffget //RE ... get changes from the right REMOTE (the file you are merging into your branch),
      • :diffupdate ... clean up the views when having a file with many conflicts
      • dp ... if you are not in the working copy, you can use this command to put in the changes
      • when done with merging, run :Gwrite and :only! on the working copy to close all the other windows
  • :Gblame ... git blame
    • q ... close blame and return to blamed window
    • o ... opens commit horizontally, leaving blame window open
    • <CR> ... opens commit for currently blame commit, blame window is closed
  • :Git ... perform every other normal git command in the terminal
  • searching:
    • search working copy files: :Ggrep <word>
    • search commit messages: :Glog --grep=fugitive
    • search for words added or removed: Glog -Sadd

A gitk/tig like git browser.

  • :gitv ... opens only gitv
  • :gitv! ... opens only commits which affects the current file
  • yc ... yanks the SHA of the commit
  • co ... performs a checkout of the commit on the currently focused commit
  • q ... quits the window
  • :gitv -S<string> ... look for differences that introduce or remove an instance of
  • custom mappings:
    • nmap <leader>gv :Gitv --all<cr>
    • nmap <leader>gV :Gitv! --all<cr>
    • vmap <leader>gV :Gitv! --all<cr>

GitHub issue lookup support, press # to enable omnicompletion

  • :Gissues ... will open a window with issues and you can browse the descriptions
  • :Giadd ... add an issue to github

Folding by section headings.

Amazing tool for keyword completion.

Adds snippet support for Vim and makes use of neocomplete plugin.

  • NeoSnippetEdit ... edit snippets of the current filetype

Perfect file browser for vim

  • m ... choose which action to perform (add, move, copy, delete)
    • add / at the end to create a new directory
  • r ... refresh the view
  • o|<Enter> ... opens the directory (has toggle function)
  • O ... opens the node recursive from the parent node
  • x ... closed the parent node, but leave the nodes above the node open (visual close)
  • X ... closed all nodes which are under the actual node (physical close) - p ... jumps to the root tree
  • C ... change the directory to the current mode
  • U ... go up to the directory
  • p ... go up to parent direcory
  • P ... go up to root directory
  • i ... opens the file in a new split
  • t ... opens th file in a new tab
  • R ... update the view
  • ? ... opens help with all shortcuts
  • cd ... change directories
  • :NERDTreeFind ... open the current file in the NERDTree and expand the tree to this file location

Perfect note taking.

  • :Note ... starts a new note (you can specify the name of the note in the header)
  • :write or :update save the notes
  • :RecentNotes ... overview of the last created changes
  • :RelatedNotes ... shows all notes according to actual heading in the note
  • :SearchNotes <pattern> ... search after all notes containing the specified pattern/word
  • :edit note:<name-of-note> ... you can edit notes (other commands: :split, :tabedit)
  • :NoteFromSelectedText ... create a new node from the selected text
  • :DeleteNote ... deletes the actual note
  • let g:notes_directory = '~/Documents/Notes' ... define the directory where files should be saved
  • it is possible to open notes directly from the command-line with vim notes:collect
  • tags:
    • with @tag you can define own tags (they are useful for searching)
    • :IndexTaggedNotes ... creates new tags (for omnicomplete when @ is pressed)
    • :ShowTaggedNotes ... will show all notes which are specified with a certain tag

Nyancat rocks vim

  • :Nyancat ... runs first version of it.
  • :Nyancat2 ... runs the second version.

Open the URI with gx (my custom mapping) in your default browser.

Browse ri documentation of Ruby files offline.

  • ,r|,R ... opens start/autocomplete window with horizontal|vertical split
  • ,K|K ... opens the search/autocomplete window and prefills it with the keyword under the cursor
  • inside documentation window
    • ,,r ... class/module/autocompletion window
    • - ... goes up from a method page into the parent class/module
    • ,G ... brings you to the README of the Gem if it exists

Performs syntax check on various languages when saving.

  • Options
    • :SyntasticCheck ... runs the syntax checker
    • :SyntasticInfo ... information about the current used syntax checkers and filetypes

Change quotes and all other delimiters.

  • ds" ... stands for delete surround and will delete the surrounds
    • example: { :a => 1 } after pressing ds{ you will get :a => 1
  • cs(" ... change surroundings and will replace the first surrounding argument with the second surrounding
    • example: (:a => 1) after pressing cs({ you will get { :a => 1 }
  • ys ... stands for "you surround" and the first argument specifies the scope and the second makes the replacement and the second using for wrapping up the first argument with the quotes
    • ys2w ... will wrapp two following words (2w) with underscores (\*)
    • yss{ ... wraps the whole line
    • ysiw ... yank the inner word and in the command window add the tag you want to add
  • how to quote whole string?
    • mark the string in visual mode (either normal mode with v or block mode with V), then press s and then the quote ("", (), {}) you want to have and it wraps the string in this

Display the headlines of a markdown document in an extra window.

An universable comment tool plugin.

  • gcc ... toogles current line (work the same way in Visual mode)
  • gc{motion} ... toogles comment with the specified motion

Insert mode completion for neighbor tmux windows.

  • :Unite tmuxcomplete ... opens a unite menu listing all entries or words from other tmux windows
  • :Unite tmuxcomplete/lines ... opens a unite menu listing all entries or words from other tmux windows with their lines

Display the undograph for a file.

  • :UndotreeToggle ... turn on or off the toggle feature

A very good and flexible plugin for searching and displaying information.

Playing sounds in Vim.

  • :Unite radio <CR> ... will open the predefined stations
  • :MStop ... will stop the currently played song
  • :MPlay <url> ... play the specified url

Beautiful status and tab line.

Auto indent files according to the pattern

  • Mark the area and press Enter => possible patterns are <Space>, =, :, ., |, &, and ,

Automatically adds keywords like end to special constructs for all kinds of languages.

Useful Unix helper.

  • :SudoWrite ... good when you want to save root files

My first light colorscheme for vim.

Transparent editing of gpg encrypted files.

The only plugin you need when you are working with LaTeX.

Custom dictionary, thesaurus, and spellchecking options for files or when calling a command.

  • <C-x> <C-k> ... opens the dictionary
  • <C-x> <C-t> ... opens the thesaurus
  • <C-n>|<C-p> ... navigate to the next or previous matching
  • custom commands: :BookGerman|:BookEnglish ... will load my customized settings

Lightweight auto correction for 300 words.

Im -> I'm
shouldnt -> shouldn't
thats -> that's

Git branch management.

  • :Merginal ... opens the extra window
  • C ... checkout branch under the cursor
  • A ... add a branch from the current checked out branch under the cursor
  • D ... delete branch under the cursor
  • ps ... push the current master on the branch under the cursor
  • pS ... force git push
  • rn ... prompt to rename the branch under the cursor
  • rb ... starting rebase

Extended Vim standard library needed for vim-notes plugin.

Move lines and selections up and down.

Package manager for Vim.

  • :PlugInstall ... installs all the specified
  • :PlugClean ... will remove all not used bundles
  • :PlugUpgrade ... upgrade vim-plug automatically

Loading language packs on demand - saves a lot of startup time.

Configuration files for editing and compiling Ruby - it even adds custom text-objects only for Vim.

  • following commands can performed in visual mode
    • am ... "a method" select from 'def' till 'end'
    • im ... "inner method" select all inside the method exclude 'def' and 'end'
    • aM ... "a class" select from 'class' till 'end'
    • iM ... "inner class" select all inside the class exclude 'class' and 'end'
  • the following commands can only performed normal mode
    • ]m ... move to the beginning of the next method
    • [m ... move to the beginning of the previous method
    • ]] ... move to the beginning of the next module or class definition
    • [[ ... move to the beginning of the previous module or class definition

Read man pages in Vim. Press vman <Tab> to get it working.

Press Enter to run tests. I've mapped the Enter into <leader>t.

Switch seamlessly between tmux panes and Vim splits.

  • <Ctrl-h> ... Left
  • <Ctrl-j> ... Down
  • <Ctrl-k> ... Up
  • <Ctrl-l> ... Right

Uncover usage problems with your writing with marvelous commands.

  • WeakWordy ... starts the mode for showing weak words like "of course", "however"
  • WordWordy ... shows redundant words
  • Wordy <Tab> ... cycle through the different mody
  • NextWordy ... goes to the next mode
  • PrevWordy ... goes to the next mode
  • NoWordy ... will turn of the plugin

For asynchronous command execution (need is used to search for file in bigger projects by the unite.vim plugin).


This software is licensed under the MIT license.

© Matthias Günther