
Clone of https://github.com/agilexrobotics/limo_ros2 repository adapted to ros 2 humble

Primary LanguagePython

Running on the Jetson Nano:

# Create local workspace
mkdir -p ~/agx_workspace
cd ~/agx_workspace
# Clone the project
git clone https://github.com/agilexrobotics/limo_ros2.git src

mv ~/agx_workspace/src/.devcontainer ~/agx_workspace

VS Code remote limo, ~/agx_workspace reopen in container [Recommend] Login the limo via VS Code remote plugin, open ~/agx_workspace.Then select reopen in container in the menu

Or running automatically setup script

cd ~/agx_workspace/src
chmod +x setup.sh

Then follow the prompts


After installing ROS2 Eloquent see documents here and setting up the software and environment run the following scripts one by one, being careful not to run in the background


# Create local workspace
mkdir -p ~/agx_workspace
cd ~/agx_workspace
# Clone the project
git clone https://github.com/agilexrobotics/limo_ros2.git src

# Install essential packages
apt-get update \
    && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \	
    libusb-1.0-0 \
    udev \
    apt-transport-https \
    ca-certificates \
    curl \
    swig \
    software-properties-common \

# Install ydlidar driver
git clone https://ghproxy.com/https://github.com/YDLIDAR/YDLidar-SDK.git &&\
    mkdir -p YDLidar-SDK/build && \
    cd YDLidar-SDK/build &&\
    cmake ..&&\
    make &&\
    make install &&\
    cd .. &&\
    pip install . &&\
    cd .. && rm -r YDLidar-SDK 

# Compile limo_ros2 packages
cd ~/agx_workspace
source devel/setup.bash


## start the chassis
ros2 launch limo_bringup limo_start.launch.py
sleep 2

## start navigation
ros2 launch limo_bringup limo_navigation.launch.py
sleep 2

## start positioning
ros2 launch limo_bringup limo_localization.launch.py

start positioning

ros2 launch limo_bringup limo_start.launch.py
ros2 launch build_map_2d revo_build_map_2d.launch.py
# After the above three command are activated use a separate screen to control the car

keyboard control

ros2 launch limo_bringup limo_start.launch.py
ros2 run teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard


Four wheel differential mode

Display the model in rviz2

ros2 launch limo_description display_models_diff.launch.py 

Run the simulation in gazebo

ros2 launch limo_description gazebo_models_diff.launch.py 

Start keyboard teleop to control Limo

ros2 run teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard

Ackermann Model

In development