This package contains the core functionalities to automatically handle your app responsiveness.
There are two usage methods:
This package will be installed as a dependency.
<script src=""></script>
The script will make sure your app proportions and relative sizes are all the same across different resolutions:
A script will be added to your app entry point, which:
- Has 8kb
- Runs once the document is ready
- Adds centralization rules for mobile screens
- Adds the style transformations, converting pixels values to rem
- Adds a window resize event listener that updates the HTML tag font-size based on the screen resolution and browser font-size
Notice your app HTML font-size to be different in each screen resolution. All properties with rem values will respond and adjust accordingly
We are aiming to make the web responsive by one-line installation 🚀
Testing the solution across diverse contexts will enable us to build the most comprehensive solution as possible.
How to test:
- Install or add the script tag into your fresh or existing app
- If you have existing responsive rules, bypass them
- Check your interface across multiple resolutions
- Let me know how it worked for you :)
You can reach out to me in LinkedIn or open a Github issue to clear doubts, share feedback or demonstrate your context (either working or not)
Now check below options you can pass to the plugin constructor (only available for plugins):
You can pass an options object to the constructor:
Name | Type | Description | Default |
appEntry | undefined | string | Your application entry point | Will try to resolve as index.html , app.js , main.js , bundle.js or src/index.js |
transformPixels | boolean | TransformPixelsOptions | Convert pixel definitions to rem |
true |
handleMobile | boolean | HandleMobileOptions | Auto-adapt the interface for mobile screens [experimental] | true |
Name | Type | Description | Default |
ignoreAttributes | string[] | List of CSS attributes to be bypassed. You can set as ['box-shadow', 'border-radius'] for example |
[] |
ignoreSelectors | string[] | List of CSS selectors to be bypassed | [] |
Name | Type | Description | Default |
ignoreSelectors | string[] | List of CSS selectors to be bypassed | [] |
centralizeText | string[] | List of elements to be centralized | ['h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'p'] |
breakpoint | string | Max screen width (when to consider as "mobile") | 480px |
You can also add the ignore-responsive-app
class to any HTML element so the above transformations do not have effect. Example:
.width-300 {
width: 300px;
/* Auto-generated class definition - done by the transformation script */
.width-300:not(.ignore-responive-app) {
width: 18.75rem;
<div class="width-300 ignore-responsive-app">
My width will remain in pixels!
Inline styles transformations (e.g. <div style="font-size: 24px">...
to <div style="font-size: 1.5rem">...
) are not supported on plugins yet