
Core functionalities to automatically handle your app responsiveness

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

responsive-app [beta]

This package contains the core functionalities to automatically handle your app responsiveness.


There are two usage methods:

Plugins (recommended)

  1. Rollup and Vite or
  2. Webpack

This package will be installed as a dependency.

Script tag (experimental)

    <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/responsive-app@1.0.7-beta.0/dist/browser-bundle.min.js"></script>


The script will make sure your app proportions and relative sizes are all the same across different resolutions:

Responsive app demo

How it's done

A script will be added to your app entry point, which:

  1. Has 8kb
  2. Runs once the document is ready
  3. Adds centralization rules for mobile screens
  4. Adds the style transformations, converting pixels values to rem
  5. Adds a window resize event listener that updates the HTML tag font-size based on the screen resolution and browser font-size

Notice your app HTML font-size to be different in each screen resolution. All properties with rem values will respond and adjust accordingly

Beta phase

We are aiming to make the web responsive by one-line installation 🚀

Testing the solution across diverse contexts will enable us to build the most comprehensive solution as possible.

How to test:

  1. Install or add the script tag into your fresh or existing app
    1. If you have existing responsive rules, bypass them
  2. Check your interface across multiple resolutions
  3. Let me know how it worked for you :)

You can reach out to me in LinkedIn or open a Github issue to clear doubts, share feedback or demonstrate your context (either working or not)

Now check below options you can pass to the plugin constructor (only available for plugins):


You can pass an options object to the constructor:

Name Type Description Default
appEntry undefined | string Your application entry point Will try to resolve as index.html, app.js, main.js, bundle.js or src/index.js
transformPixels boolean | TransformPixelsOptions Convert pixel definitions to rem true
handleMobile boolean | HandleMobileOptions Auto-adapt the interface for mobile screens [experimental] true


Name Type Description Default
ignoreAttributes string[] List of CSS attributes to be bypassed. You can set as ['box-shadow', 'border-radius'] for example []
ignoreSelectors string[] List of CSS selectors to be bypassed []


Name Type Description Default
ignoreSelectors string[] List of CSS selectors to be bypassed []
centralizeText string[] List of elements to be centralized ['h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'p']
breakpoint string Max screen width (when to consider as "mobile") 480px

Bypassing transformations

You can also add the ignore-responsive-app class to any HTML element so the above transformations do not have effect. Example:

.width-300 {
    width: 300px;
/* Auto-generated class definition - done by the transformation script */
.width-300:not(.ignore-responive-app) {
    width: 18.75rem;

<div class="width-300 ignore-responsive-app">
  My width will remain in pixels!

Known limitations

Inline styles transformations (e.g. <div style="font-size: 24px">... to <div style="font-size: 1.5rem">...) are not supported on plugins yet