
COVID-19-Vaccine-Scheduler is a web application that can schedule appointments for the COVID-19 Vaccine. Patients can make schedules and nurses can see and monitor pacients appointments and conclude it when the pacient tooks his vaccine.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

COVID-19 Vaccine Scheduler

Project   |    Tecnologies   |    Running   |    Testing   |    License


COVID-19 Vaccine Scheduler

💻 Project

COVID-19-Vaccine-Scheduler is a web application that can schedule appointments for the COVID-19 Vaccine. Patients can make schedules and nurses can see and monitor pacients appointments and conclude it when the pacient tooks his vaccine.

✨ Technologies

This project was built using the following technologies:



▶️ Running

You can see the project here.

The project was deployed by Netlify but you can run on your local machine.

It is necessary having Git, MongoDB, Node 15.x and Yarn (you can't use NPM in this project).

  1. Clone this project
git clone https://github.com/arthursvpb/COVID-19-Vaccine-Scheduler.git
  1. Run Yarn on both web and backend folder.

  2. Create .env file using .env.example model (you can copy .env.example file and change it's name to .env).

  3. Run backend on folder backend/ using the command:

yarn dev
  1. Run frontend on folder web/ using the command:
yarn start

✔️ Testing

Run the command yarn test on both backend/ and web/ folder to run tests.

📝 License

This project is under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more details.