
This repository provides an easy way to configure a development environment with a single-node Elasticsearch and Kibana setup using Docker. Ideal for testing, development, and learning purposes.

🐳 Elastic Stack with Docker Quick Start

This repository provides configuration files to set up a single-node Elasticsearch instance along with a Kibana instance using Docker.

📋 Prerequisites

  • Docker and Docker Compose must be installed on your machine.
  • Ensure you have the .env file configured with the necessary environment variables.

🚀 Quick Start

  1. Start the Services: Run the Docker Compose file to start the services in the background:

    docker compose up -d
  2. Access Kibana: Open your browser and go to http://localhost:5601/.

  3. Log In: Use the credentials defined in your .env file to log in:

    • Username: elastic
    • Password: elastic (or whatever you set in your .env file)

🎉 Your Elastic Stack is now up and running!

⚙️ Configuration

All the configuration parameters are stored in the .env file. Here's a brief explanation of each:

  • ELASTIC_PASSWORD: The password for the elastic user in Elasticsearch.
  • KIBANA_PASSWORD: The password for the kibana_system user, which Kibana uses to connect to Elasticsearch.
  • STACK_VERSION: The version of the Elastic Stack components to use.
  • CLUSTER_NAME: The name of your Elasticsearch cluster.
  • LICENSE: The type of license to apply (e.g., basic, gold, etc.).
  • ES_PORT: The host and port where Elasticsearch will be accessible.
  • KIBANA_PORT: The port where Kibana will be accessible.
  • MEM_LIMIT: The memory limit for the Docker containers.
  • COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME: The project name used by Docker Compose to isolate the environment.

🛑 Shutting Down

To stop and remove all running containers, use:

docker compose down

📜 Conclusion

This setup provides a quick and easy way to get Elasticsearch and Kibana up and running for development and testing purposes. For production setups, additional configuration and security measures would be necessary.