
Secure download module for nginx

Primary LanguageC


Secure download module for nginx

Based on http://wiki.nginx.org/HttpSecureDownload

Configuration example

location / {
          root   html;
          index  index.html index.htm;
          #enable module
              extauth_download on;
          #path mode
              extauth_download_path_mode file;
          #memcache server address
          #expired timestamp
          if ($extauth_download = "-1") {
                     return 500;
          #hash mismatch
          if ($extauth_download = "-2") {
              return 500;
          #module internal error or module not enabled
          if ($extauth_download = "-3") {
              return 500;
          #couldn't add memcache server
          if ($extauth_download = "-4") {
              return 500;
          #memcache error or key not found
          if ($extauth_download = "-5") {
              return 500;
          rewrite ^(.*)/[0-9a-zA-Z]*/[0-9a-zA-Z]*$ $1 break;

A generated URI must have the following format: <real_path>/<md5_hash>/<expiration_timestamp>

    <expiration_timestamp> = timestamp converted to hex
    memcache query key = <real_path>
    fetched value should be equal to <md5_hash>

Valid url example:


To compile the nginx with this module you will need to have following:

-The mod_rewrite in the nginx has to be enabled
-You need the memcached library
-Tested under nginx-1.4.3


Any report about bugs will be appreciated.

E-mail: arthurtumanyan@gmail.com