Test Some Company


npm install
npm test
npm start

Libs I used:

  • TypeScript for types
  • MaterialUI for input elements (Select and Button)
  • Redux Toolkit to simplify API calls, I did not use any slices as it wasn't necessary
  • React Router to simplify page routing
  • simple custom hook to put/retrieve localstorage data
  • normalize.css, sass and CSS Modules for styling
  • Testing Library for component tests

I intentionally split code in several modules as I would to in real project:

  • core contains entrypoint components and error page. In more complex apps I would put here Redux store setup
  • cars is a domain module containing everything related to car domain: types, components, APIs, slices
  • platform can contain browser related API: Intl, polyfills, mobile check
  • ui contains custom UI components used across the entire application