Thinkful Data Structures & Algorithms assignment
To run any of these scripts, in terminal command line enter: node script-name.js
see: hashmap.js
+ lord-of-the-rings.js
Print your hash map and notice the length and items that are hashed in your hash map. Have you hashed all the items you were asked to? What are the values of Maiar and Hobbit that you have? Is there a discrepancy? Discrepancy? Yes: 11 items were set, but only 9 remain. Although different keys can share the same hash value, a key is unique, so there can only be one value for the keys Hobbit
and Maiar
. The second value set to the table replaces the first value.
HashMap {
length: 9,
_hashTable: [
<2 empty items>,
{ key: 'HalfElven', value: 'Arwen', DELETED: false },
<1 empty item>,
{ key: 'LadyOfLight', value: 'Galadriel', DELETED: false },
<1 empty item>,
{ key: 'Wizard', value: 'Gandalf', DELETED: false },
{ key: 'RingBearer', value: 'Gollum', DELETED: false },
<4 empty items>,
{ key: 'Elf', value: 'Legolas', DELETED: false },
{ key: 'Hobbit', value: 'Frodo', DELETED: false },
<6 empty items>,
{ key: 'Ent', value: 'Treebeard', DELETED: false },
<1 empty item>,
{ key: 'Human', value: 'Aragorn', DELETED: false },
{ key: 'Maiar', value: 'Sauron', DELETED: false }
_capacity: 24,
_deleted: 0,
Btw, initial output without maximum load ratio, the length exceed capacity
HashMap {
length: 9,
_hashTable: [
{ key: 'Maiar', value: 'Sauron', DELETED: false },
{ key: 'RingBearer', value: 'Gollum', DELETED: false },
{ key: 'LadyOfLight', value: 'Galadriel', DELETED: false },
{ key: 'HalfElven', value: 'Arwen', DELETED: false },
{ key: 'Elf', value: 'Legolas', DELETED: false },
{ key: 'Hobbit', value: 'Frodo', DELETED: false },
{ key: 'Wizard', value: 'Gandalf', DELETED: false },
{ key: 'Human', value: 'Aragorn', DELETED: false },
undefined: { key: 'Ent', value: 'Treebeard', DELETED: false }
_capacity: 8,
_deleted: 0,
DO NOT run the following code before solving the problem.
What is the output of the following code? explain your answer.
Initializes two Hash Maps and sets key/values on them. Uhhhhh... It uses the same string as the key when setting key/values, which results in the hashmap replacing the value stored with that key. In other words, it sets a value at a specific index in the hashmap and then overwrites it. **BUT WHY DOES IT OVERWRITE IT?!?! When you set the second item in each map, it collides with the first and it should shift over to the next available slot, yes?
const WhatDoesThisDo = function(){
let str1 = 'Hello World.';
let str2 = 'Hello World.';
let map1 = new HashMap();
let map2 = new HashMap();
let str3 = str1;
let str4 = str2;
1 ] Show your hash map after the insertion of keys 10, 22, 31, 4, 15, 28, 17, 88, 59 into a hash map of length 11 using open addressing and a hash function k mod m, where k is the key and m is the length.
attempted to emulate diagram in code output, but was unable: open-addressing-example.js
2 ] Show your hash map after the insertion of the keys 5, 28, 19, 15, 20, 33, 12, 17, 10 into the hash map with collisions resolved by separate chaining. Let the hash table have a length m = 9, and let the hash function be k mod m.