- Databases with Express https://courses.thinkful.com/node-postgres-v1/checkpoint/15
- POST and DELETE with PostgreSQL https://courses.thinkful.com/node-postgres-v1/checkpoint/16
- PATCH (and RESTful API) https://courses.thinkful.com/node-postgres-v1/checkpoint/17
- Add Relationships https://courses.thinkful.com/node-postgres-v1/checkpoint/19
- Deploying Database (on Heroku) https://courses.thinkful.com/node-postgres-v1/checkpoint/20
Despite carefully following instructions for deploying database per https://courses.thinkful.com/node-postgres-v1/checkpoint/20 ... I reached an impasse at the stage of trying to run migrations on the heroku-postresql.
$ npm run migrate:production
kept failing at the blogful-api migrate script
The error in full...
➜ blogful-api git:(master) npm run migrate:production
Running npm run migrate on ⬢ shielded-woodland-48221... up, run.9816 (Free)
> blogful-api@1.0.0 migrate /app
> postgrator --config postgrator-config.js
sh: 1: postgrator: not found
npm ERR! syscall spawn
npm ERR! file sh
npm ERR! errno ENOENT
npm ERR! blogful-api@1.0.0 migrate: `postgrator --config postgrator-config.js`
npm ERR! spawn ENOENT
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Failed at the blogful-api@1.0.0 migrate script.
npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.
npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR! /app/.npm/_logs/2020-08-02T22_21_05_392Z-debug.log
➜ blogful-api git:(master)
Thanks to a long troubleshooting session with Jonathan Huxhold @ ThinkfulChat, the issue ws eventually resolved with the following alterations below...
1) packgage.json "scripts"
"migrate:production": "heroku run npm run migrate"
Update, per ThinkChat suggestion:
"migrate:production": "env SSL=true NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED=0 DATABASE_URL=$(heroku config:get DATABASE_URL) npm run migrate"
I subsequently tried to revert back to the original after initial migration done but migrate:production failed again, so returning to the convoluted command with SSL.
2) postgrator-config.js
- Add
"ssl": !!process.env.SSL
to themodule.export
Jonathan said, "I think postgrator does something under the hood to accommodate ssl settings on db up in the environment. The double bang (!!) casts a truthy or falsy value to a boolean true or false. So by adding it as an actual postgrator config value, it was able to establish the connection."